SST - Association of Engineering technology
Politických veznu 1419/11
113 42 Praha , Tschechische Republik
Telefonnummer anzeigen
+420 224 211 623
- Email anzeigen
- www.sst.cz
- Bedrich Musil
Telefonnummer anzeigen
+420 234 698 401
- Email anzeigen

21 organizations from the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic,
which were engaged in manufacturing, research and sale of machine tools were the founder members.
49 important organizations from the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic are the members of the Association this time. Association members established in the Czech Republic produce more than 80% of machine tool production. Production of another products as woodworking machines, pressure die casting machines, hydraulic
equipment, chip conveyers, ball screws and nuts, blowers, motors, tools and measuring instruments is very important as well. The main activity of SST is image increasing of its members and their products.
Association tasks
• to give to Czech and Slovak machine tool industry (CPOTS) the set of the new measures which help with the activities of the industry and in the same time respect the interests of individual companies
• to support the cooperation of member companies with political, scientific and administrative structures
• to keep and develop the sum of knowledge in this branch and help so to keep the position of the Czech Republic in the global machine tool market
• to support the member companies in their approach to the global technical development and global marketing, the result of which is the support of their production activities development
Branchen - Fokus
Machine Manufactures; Ball Screws and Nuts; Blowers; Chip Conveyers; Hydraulic Equipment; Machine Tools; Motors; Pressure Die Casting Machines; Tools and Measuring Instruments; Woodworking Machines