AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION of the Czech Republic is an interest industrial grouping of the manufacturing, commercial and other companies which make up the Czech automotive and allied industries.
Budejovická 1550/15a
140 00 Praha 4, Tschechische Republik
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+420 233 323 883
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- autosap.cz
- Jaromír
Int. Relations Manager
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AIA was established on June 27, 1989, with 17 founder member companies who were signatories to the agreement setting up the Association. Today AIA covers almost the whole of the automotive sector with 150 members in the CR. The Slovak AIA is also a joint member of the Czech AIA.
Despite a complicated history the industry has retained a fine research, design and development base. This is coming very much to the fore again as a result of the changes which took effect from July 1, 1989, and which gave individual companies in the automotive industry much greater autonomy. Given this situation it is clear that the industry needed a new organization to represent the interests of the member companies, to act as the voice both at home and abroad of this important branch of the national economy, and to maintain the high standards of the industry as a whole. It was for these reasons that the AIA was founded.
AIA is a member of the following international organisations:
• ACEM – European Motorcycle Manufacturers Association
• ODETTE – Organisation For Data Exchange by Tele Transmission
in Europe
• ACEA – European Automobile Manufacturers Association
The main aims of AIA may be summarised as follows:
• to develop the Czech automotive industry as a specific branch of the national economy
• to present the automotive industry as an integrated sector
• to promote the interests of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic and abroad in all appropriate places and at all levels
• to develop collaboration amongst its members and observers in technical, production and commercial fields
• to establish mutually advantageous contacts and cooperation with partners which are not members of AIA
• to promote cooperation between the Czech automotive industry and foreign partners
Branchen - Fokus
Automotive; Vehicle manufacturing; Components