BlackGriffin LTD
Zertifizierte Regulatorik-Compliance Experten und Interim Manager für die EU-Finanzindustrie, spezialisiert auf Outsourcing, Informationstechnologie, Governance, Risiko-Management und Compliance. | D-U-N-S® Nummer: " 985741700 "
- Michael Georg Speller
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Manuel Koppermann
[email protected]

Geschäftsleitung / Vorstand
Manuel KoppermannUmsatz
Bracken Road No 51 - Carlisle Offices - SANDYFORD DUBLIN D18CV48 IRELAND Das Unternehmen ist innerhalb der EU offiziell registriert unter der Reg. Nr.: 645681 in der Republik Irland.Gründungsjahr
Diese Auswahl an Referenzen spiegelt die Kompetenzen und Projekte unserer Mitarbeiter/Partner wider:
Regulatory compliance Cloud Outsourcing - EU Financial Industries
Oldenburgische Landesbank AG
Sep 2020 - Apr 2021 (8 months)
[Credit Institute under EBA and BaFin regulation]
Outsourcing of critical or important core banking services to major cloud service providers
▻ Negotiation of contracts with Cloud Service Providers according to EBA Guidelines
▻ Risk Assessment / Due Diligence
▻ Provision of Recommendations to the Manager on Duty
Regulatory Consultant IT/ Cloud Outsourcing Financial Industry EU
Deutsche WertpapierService Bank AG
Jan 2020 - Jul 2020 (7 months)
[Investment Firm under ESMA and BaFin regulation]
was asked to support the project of outsourcing critical core investment banking services to a major cloud service provider 2 years after the project started.
▻ Provision of recommendations towards the negotiation of contracts according to ESMA/EBA Guidelines
▻ Compliance Checks of Project Tasks
▻ Recommendations to the Board and internal audit function
Senior Expert Regulatory Affairs Outsourcing + non financial risks
Viridium Gruppe
Sep 2019 - Dec 2019 (4 months)
[Insurance/reinsurance undertaking under EIOPA and NCA regulation]
Taskforce to correct findings and deficiencies in the area of outsourcing at the outsourcing service provider after review by the supervisory authority (Solvency II, § 32 VAG, MaGo, VAIT, EUDSGVO, etc.)
• Reassessment of the risks of the outsourcing project
• GAP analysis between contractual regulations, status, and target (EIOPA specifications)
• Carrying out correction work in task force mode in preparation for a BaFin audit
• Restructuring of outsourcing governance analogous to 3 Lines of Defense
• Revision of IT reporting structures with regard to contract and VA-IT requirements
Senior Regulatory Specialist IT / Cloud Outsourcing EU, US, APAC
Sep 2018 - Jun 2019 (10 months)
[International operating Bank under MAS, FCA, EBA and NCA regulation]
Establishment of central outsourcing management (2nd LoD) with global responsibility
▻ assessment of outsourcings following requirements of the EU and APAC branches (FCA, MAS, EBA, etc.)
▻ analysis of the gaps between new regulatory requirements (EBA, FAC, BaFin, etc.) and the contractual or actual status quo
▻ review and correctional advice concerning all international outsourcing reports
▻ Introduction of uniform rules for the evaluation of providers according to relevant international standards
▻ Coordination with 2nd LoD departments ( data protection, IT security, risk management, TAX, etc.)
▻ Provision of Recommendations to the Manager on Duty
Provision of measures to correct deviations from EU Outsourcing Regulation after OSI by ECB
Finanz Informatik Technologie Service
Nov 2016 - May 2018 (1 year 7 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider on behalf of Institutes under EBA/EIOPA and NCA regulation]
Provision of consulting services for the provider management of the customer in the context of outsourcing and relocation of data processing and business informatics in banking, taking into account the current requirements of the supervisory authorities BaFin, ECB and German Bundesbank, EBA, and the general legal requirements:
▻ Provision of advice on the correction of deficiencies to the internal project after an ECB inspection
▻ Redesign of outsourcing risk assessments
▻ Re-assessment of the risks of significant outsourcings
▻ Revision of IT report structures with regard to BCBS 239, MaRisk 2017, BAIT
▻ Provision of final Recommendations to the Manager on Duty
Re-design of existing IT outsourcings in a bank according to German Regulations (CSA, MaRisk, etc.)
Deutsche Postbank Group
Aug 2015 - Jul 2016 (1 year)
[Credit Institute under EBA and NCA regulation]
Redesign of existing IT outsourcing in the german regulated area (KWG, MaRisk, etc.)
• Technical management of the redesign of the contracts and governance due to restructuring
• Definition of new governance and organizational interfaces, as well as optimized processes in provider management
• Draft of the corresponding outsourcing contracts
• Revision of IT report structures with regard to BCBS 239, MaRisk 2016
• Introduction of toolsets
Optimization Outsourcing Procedure according to German Credit Services Act
ING Deutschland
Nov 2014 - Jun 2015 (8 months)
[Credit Institute under EBA and NCA regulation]
Preparation of the regulator´s audit according to § 44 KWG (German Credit Services Act)
• project management in the areas of operational governance and outsourcing
• Re-Definition of technical and organizational interfaces and measures
• Re-Establishment of provider management
Outsourcing Transition according to german Energy Industry Act
Amprion GmbH
Sep 2013 - Aug 2014 (1 year)
[Energy service provider under NCA regulation]
Design of the service delivery processes in the outsourcing relationship (KRITIS relevance in the energy industry)
• Project management "Design of operational governance"
• Definition of technical and organizational interfaces and measures
• Mapping of governance, risk, and compliance processes
• Design and creation of the required RACI matrices and cross-reference tables for interfaces including dependencies
• Definition of an information governance
• and definition of the KPI's reportings
• Documentation of essential processes in ARIS and Visio as a value chain
Interim Management of Outsourcing Transition
Apr 2012 - Jun 2013 (1 year 3 months)
[Energy service provider under NCA regulation]
Interim management transition-out without a contractual basis (unplanned exit)
• project management
• claim management
• Negotiation Management
• Setup and coaching of the retained Organization for an out-carve project ( ENwG )
• Design of the control processes
• Definition of interfaces and service transfer points
Interim Management of an unplanned Outsourcing Exit
Wincor Nixdorf Portavis
Jun 2011 - Feb 2012 (9 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider on behalf of Credit Institutes under NCA regulation]
Project management transition-out ( unplanned provider exit)
• operational project management (transition-out manager)
• 2nd generation outsourcing, provider to provider transition of a bank customer
• Operational and tactical control of a complete provider change on the provider side
• Affected services: LAN/WAN, client, databases, hosting, app server, AD, Citrix, Unix, various locations, various data centers, service desk, support processes, storage systems, VM ware, ZV, etc
• Support of the contract negotiations
• Know-how: data center technology, storage, approx. 850 virtual servers, LAN/WAN, clients, various DB clusters, security, software distribution, notes, ensuring ongoing operations, support for contract negotiations
Interim Management Outsourcing - Transition
Mar 2010 - Jun 2011 (1 year 4 months)
[Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
Datacenter transition management / re-sourcing of data center services / planned exit
• Operational and tactical control of the provider change on the customer side
• Audit/adaptation of the customer's IT organization
• setup of services and SLA reporting
• ITIL v3, COBIT4.1, ValIT 2.0, Setup Retained Organization
IT Service Organization Health Check
Feb 2010 - Apr 2010 (3 months)
Organizational analysis of the worldwide IT service management organization
• Analysis of the structures of IT services (Europe, Asia, America, rest) in interviews
• Standardization of the procedure according to ITIL
• Recommendation for the roll-out of new org structures (control organization)
• ITIL v3, COBIT4.1, ValIT 2.0, Setup of a Retained Organization
Consulting Internal Control System / IT Controls
Deutsche Telekom
Aug 2009 - Jan 2010 (6 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider on behalf of Credit Institutes under EBA and NCA regulation]
The conception of an internal control system based on key figures for IT services including processes
• Focus: governance/compliance, performance, quality, continuous service improvement, cost-benefit analysis,
• Operational, tactical control of IT processes - and performance using IT goals and IT process goals based on controls/key figures
• Value contribution of IT services
• definition of cost clusters ( time & mat ., service package, consumption, etc.)
• acquisition of raw data consolidation for billing and control
Consulting Enterprise Global IT Governance and Compliance (EEA, APAC) |
Q cells Europe
Mar 2009 - May 2009 (3 months)
Operational project management for the establishment of global headquarters IT / introduction of global IT governance (Europe, Asia, America)
• Topics: governance, risk management, compliance
• Consulting on governance standards and "best practice" procedures
• Creation of governance framework ( including policies, KPIs, reporting, QS/QM, financial KPIs, etc.)
• Consulting on IT strategy, architecture, risk management, compliance issues, sourcing strategy, governance marketing, product, and service costs
• Establishment of an internal control system including information, reporting, decision/approval workflows including financial stakeholders
• delivery standardization
• Initiation of Continual Service Improvement
• introduction of Standards for cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment (Risk analysis, risk assessment, risk minimization, ongoing risk control, risk tracking)
• Analysis and identification of sustainable savings potential and realization via portfolio, program, and risk planning
• Initial global roll-out
CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATION / TESTIMONIAL approved and published by www.gulp.de on May., 27th 2009 : " Der Consultant hat uns im Frühjahr 2009 bei der Einführung von IT-Governance und der Etablierung des konzernweiten Headquarters IT unterstützt. [...] Wir danken dem Consultant für seine gute Arbeit und würden im Bedarfsfall sehr gern seine Unterstützung wieder in Anspruch nehmen."
Outsourcing VOIP Project EMEA
Deutsche Bank
Aug 2008 - Jan 2009 (6 months)
[Credit Institute under EBA and NCA regulation]
Introduction IT Governance VOIP Outsourcing EMEA
• Outsourcing in the VOIP area EMEA
• Strategy, Policies, Directives documents framework
• initiation of a governance toolset (risk management, compliance, financial management, reporting)
• Setup accounting and budgeting incl. charge-back procedure
• Setup of the retained organization to control the outsourcing
• Roll-out of structures in EMEA
Establishment Internal Control System
May 2008 - Aug 2008 (4 months)
[Insurance Company under NCA regulation]
realization of global IT governance
• Project management Euro-Sox Compliance, QM, ICS requirements
• Initiation of QM - test and acceptance procedures for production, processes, technology
• IT and release governance
• ensure compliance
• Introduction of policies
• standards management
Re-sourcing Payment Provider Outsourcing EMEA
Deutsche Bank
Nov 2007 - Mar 2008 (5 months)
[Credit Institute under EBA and NCA regulation]
Interim management outsourcing payment transactions
• outsourcing change
• Crisis Management - Problem Management
• escalation management
• Quality management: testing and acceptance procedures
• Setup retained organization to Control the outsourcing
Multi-Project / Outsourcing Task Force
T-Systems International
Feb 2007 - Oct 2007 (9 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider on behalf of Credit Institutes under EU and NCA regulation]
Outsourcing Task Force
• Advice on outsourcing strategy
• Project management of contract management and financial management processes
• crisis management
• Definition of tests and acceptances
• interim management
• Moderation and de-escalation management
• program management
Software Development Outsourcing (Germany / India)
Telefónica Germany
Jul 2006 - Dec 2006 (6 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider under EU and NCA regulation]
Off-Shore Outsourcing Software Integration (Germany - India )
• Business Analysis
• contract management
• Service management (consulting implementation strategy)
• ITIL/ITSM implementation
• Advice on QS/QM standards
• Project co-lead for business integration
• Introduction IT governance
• SOX compliance
Near Shore IT Outsourcing and Transition to and from eastern Europe
Mar 2006 - Jul 2006 (5 months)
[Energy service provider under NCA regulation]
▹Reorganization of the sourcing structure in Germany, Czechs, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria
▹Contract Management / Vendor Management
▹Contract negotiation and drafting
▹Introduction of international standards (COBIT, SOX, ITIL )
▹Introduction of IT governance
Outsourcing of critical IT Infrastructure Services |
Union Investment
Jun 2004 - Apr 2005 (11 months)
[Investment Firm under ESMA and NCA regulation]
CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATION / TESTIMONIAL approved and published by www.gulp.de on June,1st 2005: "Der Consultant hat im Rahmen Ausschreibungsprojektes wesentliche Unterstützungsleistung erbracht, die zu einem effizienten Projektablauf und einer durchgehenden umfassenden Struktur in der Ausschreibung beigetragen hat. Dazu zählen neben Konzeption und Erstellung der Ausschreibungsunterlagen die Konzeption der Angebotsunterlagen sowie des Auswertungsverfahrens der Bewertung. Ferner wurden im Projekt unter Einbezug der internen Einheiten das gesamte Vertragswerk erstellt, die Prozess Standards (wie ITIL) entsprechend berücksichtigen. Die eingebrachten Erfahrungen haben durch die Mitarbeit einen großen Mehrwert für das Projekt dargestellt."
▹Datacenter, LAN, WAN, application cluster, TSM, SQL cluster, 13 business-critical applications, etc.
▹development of outsourcing processes and vendor management
▹definition of new operating procedures (incident, config, change, and financial management processes)
▹definition of new release procedures (including test and acceptance procedures)
▹negotiation of additional "operational service levels"
▹redesign of IT reporting
▹creation of RfQ blueprint for future outsourcings
▹consulting on off-shore / near-shore decisions
▹consulting on the outsourcing strategy
▹advice on the qualification of potential applicants -qualification based on approx. 800 evaluation
▹examination of the technology concepts of the providers
▹examination of the providers' process and workflow concepts
▹Due Diligence (procedure and content)
▹Governance model based on CobiT recommendations
Introduction of ITIL Process Management
Dec 2003 - Mar 2004 (4 months)
[Police authority - NDA is still in force]
Outsourcing Software Packaging and Distribution - RfQ |
May 2003 - Feb 2004 (10 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider under EU and NCA regulation]
CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATION / TESTIMONIAL approved and published by www.gulp.de on Mar., 09th 2004 :
" Der Consultant wurde mit der Erstellung und Auswertung der Ausschreibung zur Evaluierung eines externen Dienstleisters für die Softwarepaketierung unter Radia/Novadigm beauftragt. Folgende Projektziele sollten erreicht werden:
- Vorbereitung und Erstellung eines RFQ Dokuments unter Berücksichtigung technischer, organisatorischer und kaufmännischer Vorgaben mit dem Ziel, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Anbieter auf dem Gebiet des Softwaremanagements bzw. der Paketierung speziell unter Radia transparent und vergleichbar zu machen
- Erstellung einer Auswertungsmatrix
- Auswertung der eingegangenen Bewerbungen, Erstellung einer 'Short List' empfehlenswerter Kandidaten
- Unterstützung bei der Erstellung eines Basis SLA-Konzeptes mit Vorschlägen zur Definition eines praktikablen Workflows
Der Consultant hat innerhalb eines sehr kurzen Zeitraums ein äußerst umfassendes, jedoch für die Bewerber logisch nachvollziehbares RFQ-Dokument erstellt, dass nicht nur allen unseren Vorgaben entsprach, sondern auch andere Informationen zu wichtigen Bereichen wie Quality-Management und
Wirtschaftlichkeit der Bewerber in Betracht gezogen hat. Dabei hat er selbständig, sehr gewissenhaft, äußerst schnell und mit einer sehr großen Professionalität gearbeitet. (...)
Seine Expertise und seine Erfahrungen auf diesem Gebiet sind besonders hervorzuheben.
Erwähnenswert sind außerdem seine selbständige, effektive & zuverlässige Arbeitsweise besonders unter Termindruck, seine alternativen Denkanstösse, seine Integrationsfähigkeit und seine fachliche Kompetenz, die auf einem sehr grossen & breiten Erfahrungsschatz beruht. Wir bedanken uns für die geleistete Arbeit und würden auch in Zukunft bei ähnlichen Projekten sehr gerne wieder mit diesem Consultant zusammen arbeiten. "
Negotiation of modernized Service Level Agreements for existing and new IT-Outsourcings
Union Investment
Jan 2003 - Mar 2003 (3 months)
[Investment Firm under NCA regulation]
Service Level Management / IT Contract Management / Multi-Provider Outsourcing
• Standardization of SLAs in a 100% outsourced environment with 15 different service providers / simple
vendor management
• Carrying out vulnerability analyzes and risk assessments
• Development of new SLAs and service certificates with service providers and specialist departments
including billing structures
• Conducting negotiations with service providers
• Coordination with the internal legal department
• Cost and activity allocation and controlling methods
• Technical topics ( DP basis): server clusters, various directory services (NDS, AD, etc.), EAI ( Vitria, etc. ), databases (Oracle, db2, etc.), middleware (MQ series), various OSs (W2K/XP, Solaris, OpenVMS), WAN/LAN structures ( Cisco, etc. ), firewalling, storage (NAS, HSM)
Introduction of Service Level Management |
Feb 2002 - Oct 2002 (9 months)
[Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
• Training of employees
• Standardization of SLA
• Standardization of reports
• Monitoring compliance
• Strategy consulting of division and unit management with regard to Security
• Preparation of contract texts on the subject of performance management
• Restructuring of old service level agreements in an outsourcing context
• Adaptation of existing SLA´s / OLA´s to new developments
• internal costs allocation (KPI/key figures/raw data deliveries)
• Application of ITIL standards
• IT business re-organization
CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATION / TESTIMONIAL approved and published by www.gulp.de on
October, 7th, 2002 :
"Der Consultant hat uns in der Zeit von Februar 2002 bis Oktober 2002 bei der Einführung von SLAs zwischen Firmenkundengeschäft (ca. 3500 Mitarbeiter) und unseren IT-Dienstleistern hervorragend und in jeder Hinsicht zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit unterstützt. Zu seinen Aufgaben gehörten:
- Abstimmung und Entwurf von Service Level Agreements mit allen Lieferanten von IT-Dienstleistungen zu den Themen Helpdesk, Netzwerk, Applikationen, Backup, Filesystem, Mail
- Entwurf und Aushandeln der Vertragstexte und Leistungsbeschreibungen (Meßpunkte, Leistungskriterien, Eskalationsprozesse, Monitoring, Automation, Pönalen, etc)
- Einarbeitung / Ausbildung der Mitarbeiter und Übergabe der Tätigkeiten an selbige (KnowHow- Transfer)
- Coaching der Mitarbeiter
- Entwurf und Planung von Reporting-Mechanismen
Mit den Leistungen des Consultants sind wir außerordentlich zufrieden, so, dass wir ihm seine Bitte um die Ausstellung dieser Referenz ausgeprochen gern erfüllt haben. Die bisherige erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit planen wir - soweit möglich - weiter fortzusetzen."
IP Network Management
May 2000 - Nov 2001 (1 year 7 months)
[ICT service provider on behalf of Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
ASP/Cloud project "starship" (report in c ´t March 2001)
• Sizing for 5,000 to the max. 30,000 users
• Standardization of the company organization
• Establishment of QM standards (bank security, revision, ISO, ITIL, BDSG, etc.)
• Project responsibility for Total QM (requirement catalogs, test and acceptance specifications)
• Software development standards CMMI Level 2/3
• Coaching/teaching of approx. 60 employees with regard to work organization, methodology,
• Strategy advice for the project and department management
• Preparation for the spin-off of the project as an independent subsidiary of the bank, including the preparation of almost all SLA´s texts on the subject of performance management for cross-checks by the legal department
• Management and implementation of tenders on the subject of purchasing external services and their integration into the cost allocation
• Re-setup of service level management
• Development and documentation of service-level agreements
• Development and documentation of support and problem management processes
• Globalization of the "problem management" processes
ASP Project "starship" - on behalf of Dresdner Bank AG |
Nov 2000 - May 2001 (7 months)
[Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
- approved and published by GULP on April, 25th, 2001 at www.gulp.de : " Der Consultant hat uns in der Zeit von November 2000 bis heute (April/Mai 2001) bei der Einführung von ITIL und der Etablierung von SLA-gesteuertem Leistungsmonitoring unterstützt, sowie die Projektleitung in Hinsicht auf IT-Management-Strategie beraten.
Wir betreiben das ASP-Großprojekt starship, das auch in der Presse bereits mehrfach erwähnt wurde.
(z.B. Bericht in c´t März 2001)
Zu den Aufgaben des Consultant gehören:
- Einführung eines projektweiten QoS/QM-Standards nach ITIL
- Einführung Service Level Management für das gesamte Großprojekt
- Einführung Service Level Agreements mit allen externen Lieferanten und Kunden
- Einführung Operating Level Agreements mit internen Lieferanten und Kunden
- Verhandeln der Vertragstexte und Leistungsbeschreibungen (Meßpunkte, Leistungskriterien,
Eskalationsprozesse, Monitoring, Automation etc)
- Einführung von ITIL-orientierten Problem-Management-Prozessen
- Einführung von ITIL-orientierten Change-Management Prozessen
- Einführung eines ITIL-orientierten Help-Desk
- Coaching der Mitarbeiter
- Beratung der Geschäftsleitung
- Konzeption diverser technischer Zusammenhänge
Wir sind mit den Leistungen des Consultant sehr zufrieden und planen die bisher erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit auch weiter fortzuführen, wenn möglich. Der Consultant hat uns im Zusammenhang mit den Gesprächen zur Vertragsverlängerung um die Ausstellung dieser Referenz gebeten. Diesen Wunsch haben wir ihm gern erfüllt. "
Project Manager Windows NT Roll-Out |
ALH Gruppe
Mar 2000 - Apr 2000 (2 months)
[Insurance Company under NCA regulation]
Project management Windows 2000 roll-out EU/Eastern EU (W2K)
(see below: reference by employees of an insurance company with approx. 2000 employees from 16.05.00)
• Project management / consulting
• Full responsibility for the budget, deadlines, logistics, technology, etc.
• Concept roll-out/software distribution
• proof of concept
• testing and integration
• Conversion from NT domains or NDS to Active Directory
- approved and published by GULP on May, 16th. 2000 at www.gulp.de : "Wir haben dem Consultant die Konzeption, Planung und Überwachung der Durchführung unseres
Migrations/Roll-Out Projektes mit ca. 500 Clients als verantworlicher Projektleiter anvertraut. Er führte
erfolgreich eine automatisierte Softwareverteilung ein und strukturierte die Organisation der Server um. Der Consultant hat souverän alle Hürden des unter großem Zeitdruck durchgeführten Projektes zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit gemeistert und unsere Erwartungen in vielen Punkten übertroffen."
Re-Organization / partial Outsourcing of the Global IP Network Management - Investment Banking
Commerzbank AG
Nov 1998 - Jul 1999 (9 months)
[Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
- approved and published by GULP on Feb., 29th. 2000 at www.gulp.de: ❝ Der Consultant hat bei uns im o.g. Projekt für das gesamte Investment-Banking ein neues TCP/ IP-Konzept in einem der weltweit größten, auf Cisco-Technologie aufgebauten Corporate Networks inklusive der Vergabeverfahren, Geschäftsprozesse und der technischen Realisation entwickelt. Zu seinen Aufgaben gehörten:
- Erstellung des Konzeptes
- Design und Einführung der Geschäftsprozesse
- Abstimmung/Umsetzung innerhalb unserer QM-Vorgaben
- Prüfung und Integration bestehender Konzepte
- Koordination u. Durchführung
- Einbeziehung aller konkurrierenden Abteilungen
Erst der Consultant hat diese schwierige Aufgabe in jeder Hinsicht zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit lösen können. Wir danken ihm aufrichtig für die bisherige gute Zusammenarbeit und hoffen zuversichtlich auf weitere Fortsetzung des Auftragsverhältnisses. ❞
IT Services Delivery / Software Distribution
Lufthansa Systems
Nov 1998 - Jul 1999 (9 months)
[ICT service provider on behalf of Credit Institutes under NCA regulation]
• Conception and Supervision of implementation of a worldwide roll-out
• Introduction of Novell Z.E.N.Works in NT 4.0 / Netware 4.11 environment
• Roll-out of distributed SAP R/3 clients, etc.
• Development of new business processes with ARIS 4
Y2K Poblem Analysis - IP Networks
ADIG investment - since 2007 Cominvest
Sep 1998 - Nov 1998 (3 months)
[Investment Firm under NCA regulation]
• Conception of the testing scenarios
• Supersivion of the individual tests performed by providers
• Risk management
• Components from HP, IBM, CISCO, etc.
• Consideration of the peculiarities in the banking/stock exchange/securities trading area (Reuters, Bloomberg, etc.)
Windows NT Roll-Out
May 1998 - Sep 1998 (5 months)
[Insurance Company under NCA regulation]
ext. Consultant:
project manager Windows NT roll-out (2500 systems )
• Creation of the concept for software distribution
• Planning, project planning and NT engineering ( unattended installation)
• Use of Java applets to replace terminal emulations
IT Services Support - Migration, and roll-out of around 1,500 NT workstations
Lufthansa Cargo
Sep 1997 - May 1998 (9 months)
ext. Consultant
► Provision of a method for software distribution via Novell WSM
► Implementation of software and system updates on 1500 workstations
► Novell Netware, Windows NT 3.51
Zertifizierte Regulatorik-Compliance Berater und Interim Manager für die EU-Finanzindustrie, spezialisiert auf Outsourcing, Informationstechnologie, Governance, Risiko-Management und Compliance.
Als Juristen, die sich auf regulatorische IT- und Outsourcing-Anforderungen spezialisiert haben und über fundiertes technisches und organisatorisches Know-how verfügen, coachen wir Kundenunternehmen dabei, organisatorische oder technologische Risiken in konforme und belastbare Chancen umzuwandeln und so die Governance und Kontrolle über kritische Schwachstellen zurückzugewinnen.
Interesse an einem unverbindlichen Kennenlernen?
LinkedIn Background-Check:
[Das Unternehmen ist innerhalb der EU offiziell registriert unter der Reg. Nr.: 645681 in der Republik Irland.]
Wir bieten fundierte Expertise in den Bereichen:
- ordnungsgemäße Geschäfts- und IT-Organisation inkl. Auslagerungen
- Anwendung IT-relevanter Gesetze, Verordnungen und Richtlinien
- Analyse der IT-Compliance
- Vorbereitung und Verteidigung bei Vor-Ort-Inspektionen (OSI) im Bereich IT & Governance (z.B. nach §44 KWG)
- 3rd Party Due Diligence, Risikoanalyse und Audits der Wertschöpfungsketten
Effektive RESILIENCE erfordert einen transparenten, ganzheitlichen Ansatz für den IT-Betrieb, unabhängig von Kultur, Hierarchie, Wissenssilos oder sozialen Firewalls und den zugrunde liegenden internen Interessenkonflikten.
Zur Vorbereitung auf eine organisatorische oder IT-bezogene Vor-Ort-/Offsite-Inspektion (OSI) coachen wir Sie mittels eines Assessment in folgenden Bereichen vor:
- Niveau, Art und Merkmale Ihrer Risikokultur und der vererbten Risiken
- Angemessenheit Ihrer IT-Governance- und des Kontrollrahmens inkl. Drittanbieter
- Risikomanagement- und Kontrollprozesse zur Erkennung von Schwachstellen in den betrieblichen Wertschöpfungsketten
- Einhaltung der regulatorischen und betrieblichen Anforderungen von IT- und Cloud-Outsourcing
Wir verschaffen Ihnen eine unabhängige Perspektive – frei von Interessenskonflikten, Leichen im Keller oder Wassermelonen-Reports.
Gemeinsam mit Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern beseitigen wir interne oder externe Schwachstellen rechtzeitig.
Wir bringen die DETAILS Ihrer DOKUMETATION in ORDNUNG (Richtlinien, Anweisungen, Protokolle, Verträge usw.), da sie als NACHWEIS für die Einhaltung Ihrer Verpflichtungen dient und aus gutem Grund jede Prüfung hier beginnt.
Branchen - Fokus
Seit mehr als 30 Jahren arbeiten unsere Partner mit ihren einzigartigen Kombinationen aus rechtlichem/regulatorischem und fundiertem technischem Hintergrund in den folgenden Branchen mit Kunden zusammen:
- Kreditinstitute (Banken)
- Zahlungs-/E-Geld-Anbieter
- Wertpapierfirmen
- Handelsplätze
- Versicherungs-/Rückversicherungsunternehmen
- Crowdfunding-Dienste
- ICT/Cloud und weitere Drittanbieter
Diese Auswahl an Referenzen spiegelt die Kompetenzen und Projekte unserer Mitarbeiter/Partner wider:
Regulatory compliance Cloud Outsourcing - EU Financial Industries
Oldenburgische Landesbank AG
Sep 2020 - Apr 2021 (8 months)
[Credit Institute under EBA and BaFin regulation]
Outsourcing of critical or important core banking services to major cloud service providers
▻ Negotiation of contracts with Cloud Service Providers according to EBA Guidelines
▻ Risk Assessment / Due Diligence
▻ Provision of Recommendations to the Manager on Duty
Regulatory Consultant IT/ Cloud Outsourcing Financial Industry EU
Deutsche WertpapierService Bank AG
Jan 2020 - Jul 2020 (7 months)
[Investment Firm under ESMA and BaFin regulation]
was asked to support the project of outsourcing critical core investment banking services to a major cloud service provider 2 years after the project started.
▻ Provision of recommendations towards the negotiation of contracts according to ESMA/EBA Guidelines
▻ Compliance Checks of Project Tasks
▻ Recommendations to the Board and internal audit function
Senior Expert Regulatory Affairs Outsourcing + non financial risks
Viridium Gruppe
Sep 2019 - Dec 2019 (4 months)
[Insurance/reinsurance undertaking under EIOPA and NCA regulation]
Taskforce to correct findings and deficiencies in the area of outsourcing at the outsourcing service provider after review by the supervisory authority (Solvency II, § 32 VAG, MaGo, VAIT, EUDSGVO, etc.)
• Reassessment of the risks of the outsourcing project
• GAP analysis between contractual regulations, status, and target (EIOPA specifications)
• Carrying out correction work in task force mode in preparation for a BaFin audit
• Restructuring of outsourcing governance analogous to 3 Lines of Defense
• Revision of IT reporting structures with regard to contract and VA-IT requirements
Senior Regulatory Specialist IT / Cloud Outsourcing EU, US, APAC
Sep 2018 - Jun 2019 (10 months)
[International operating Bank under MAS, FCA, EBA and NCA regulation]
Establishment of central outsourcing management (2nd LoD) with global responsibility
▻ assessment of outsourcings following requirements of the EU and APAC branches (FCA, MAS, EBA, etc.)
▻ analysis of the gaps between new regulatory requirements (EBA, FAC, BaFin, etc.) and the contractual or actual status quo
▻ review and correctional advice concerning all international outsourcing reports
▻ Introduction of uniform rules for the evaluation of providers according to relevant international standards
▻ Coordination with 2nd LoD departments ( data protection, IT security, risk management, TAX, etc.)
▻ Provision of Recommendations to the Manager on Duty
Provision of measures to correct deviations from EU Outsourcing Regulation after OSI by ECB
Finanz Informatik Technologie Service
Nov 2016 - May 2018 (1 year 7 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider on behalf of Institutes under EBA/EIOPA and NCA regulation]
Provision of consulting services for the provider management of the customer in the context of outsourcing and relocation of data processing and business informatics in banking, taking into account the current requirements of the supervisory authorities BaFin, ECB and German Bundesbank, EBA, and the general legal requirements:
▻ Provision of advice on the correction of deficiencies to the internal project after an ECB inspection
▻ Redesign of outsourcing risk assessments
▻ Re-assessment of the risks of significant outsourcings
▻ Revision of IT report structures with regard to BCBS 239, MaRisk 2017, BAIT
▻ Provision of final Recommendations to the Manager on Duty
Re-design of existing IT outsourcings in a bank according to German Regulations (CSA, MaRisk, etc.)
Deutsche Postbank Group
Aug 2015 - Jul 2016 (1 year)
[Credit Institute under EBA and NCA regulation]
Redesign of existing IT outsourcing in the german regulated area (KWG, MaRisk, etc.)
• Technical management of the redesign of the contracts and governance due to restructuring
• Definition of new governance and organizational interfaces, as well as optimized processes in provider management
• Draft of the corresponding outsourcing contracts
• Revision of IT report structures with regard to BCBS 239, MaRisk 2016
• Introduction of toolsets
Optimization Outsourcing Procedure according to German Credit Services Act
ING Deutschland
Nov 2014 - Jun 2015 (8 months)
[Credit Institute under EBA and NCA regulation]
Preparation of the regulator´s audit according to § 44 KWG (German Credit Services Act)
• project management in the areas of operational governance and outsourcing
• Re-Definition of technical and organizational interfaces and measures
• Re-Establishment of provider management
Outsourcing Transition according to german Energy Industry Act
Amprion GmbH
Sep 2013 - Aug 2014 (1 year)
[Energy service provider under NCA regulation]
Design of the service delivery processes in the outsourcing relationship (KRITIS relevance in the energy industry)
• Project management "Design of operational governance"
• Definition of technical and organizational interfaces and measures
• Mapping of governance, risk, and compliance processes
• Design and creation of the required RACI matrices and cross-reference tables for interfaces including dependencies
• Definition of an information governance
• and definition of the KPI's reportings
• Documentation of essential processes in ARIS and Visio as a value chain
Interim Management of Outsourcing Transition
Apr 2012 - Jun 2013 (1 year 3 months)
[Energy service provider under NCA regulation]
Interim management transition-out without a contractual basis (unplanned exit)
• project management
• claim management
• Negotiation Management
• Setup and coaching of the retained Organization for an out-carve project ( ENwG )
• Design of the control processes
• Definition of interfaces and service transfer points
Interim Management of an unplanned Outsourcing Exit
Wincor Nixdorf Portavis
Jun 2011 - Feb 2012 (9 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider on behalf of Credit Institutes under NCA regulation]
Project management transition-out ( unplanned provider exit)
• operational project management (transition-out manager)
• 2nd generation outsourcing, provider to provider transition of a bank customer
• Operational and tactical control of a complete provider change on the provider side
• Affected services: LAN/WAN, client, databases, hosting, app server, AD, Citrix, Unix, various locations, various data centers, service desk, support processes, storage systems, VM ware, ZV, etc
• Support of the contract negotiations
• Know-how: data center technology, storage, approx. 850 virtual servers, LAN/WAN, clients, various DB clusters, security, software distribution, notes, ensuring ongoing operations, support for contract negotiations
Interim Management Outsourcing - Transition
Mar 2010 - Jun 2011 (1 year 4 months)
[Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
Datacenter transition management / re-sourcing of data center services / planned exit
• Operational and tactical control of the provider change on the customer side
• Audit/adaptation of the customer's IT organization
• setup of services and SLA reporting
• ITIL v3, COBIT4.1, ValIT 2.0, Setup Retained Organization
IT Service Organization Health Check
Feb 2010 - Apr 2010 (3 months)
Organizational analysis of the worldwide IT service management organization
• Analysis of the structures of IT services (Europe, Asia, America, rest) in interviews
• Standardization of the procedure according to ITIL
• Recommendation for the roll-out of new org structures (control organization)
• ITIL v3, COBIT4.1, ValIT 2.0, Setup of a Retained Organization
Consulting Internal Control System / IT Controls
Deutsche Telekom
Aug 2009 - Jan 2010 (6 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider on behalf of Credit Institutes under EBA and NCA regulation]
The conception of an internal control system based on key figures for IT services including processes
• Focus: governance/compliance, performance, quality, continuous service improvement, cost-benefit analysis,
• Operational, tactical control of IT processes - and performance using IT goals and IT process goals based on controls/key figures
• Value contribution of IT services
• definition of cost clusters ( time & mat ., service package, consumption, etc.)
• acquisition of raw data consolidation for billing and control
Consulting Enterprise Global IT Governance and Compliance (EEA, APAC) |
Q cells Europe
Mar 2009 - May 2009 (3 months)
Operational project management for the establishment of global headquarters IT / introduction of global IT governance (Europe, Asia, America)
• Topics: governance, risk management, compliance
• Consulting on governance standards and "best practice" procedures
• Creation of governance framework ( including policies, KPIs, reporting, QS/QM, financial KPIs, etc.)
• Consulting on IT strategy, architecture, risk management, compliance issues, sourcing strategy, governance marketing, product, and service costs
• Establishment of an internal control system including information, reporting, decision/approval workflows including financial stakeholders
• delivery standardization
• Initiation of Continual Service Improvement
• introduction of Standards for cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment (Risk analysis, risk assessment, risk minimization, ongoing risk control, risk tracking)
• Analysis and identification of sustainable savings potential and realization via portfolio, program, and risk planning
• Initial global roll-out
CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATION / TESTIMONIAL approved and published by www.gulp.de on May., 27th 2009 : " Der Consultant hat uns im Frühjahr 2009 bei der Einführung von IT-Governance und der Etablierung des konzernweiten Headquarters IT unterstützt. [...] Wir danken dem Consultant für seine gute Arbeit und würden im Bedarfsfall sehr gern seine Unterstützung wieder in Anspruch nehmen."
Outsourcing VOIP Project EMEA
Deutsche Bank
Aug 2008 - Jan 2009 (6 months)
[Credit Institute under EBA and NCA regulation]
Introduction IT Governance VOIP Outsourcing EMEA
• Outsourcing in the VOIP area EMEA
• Strategy, Policies, Directives documents framework
• initiation of a governance toolset (risk management, compliance, financial management, reporting)
• Setup accounting and budgeting incl. charge-back procedure
• Setup of the retained organization to control the outsourcing
• Roll-out of structures in EMEA
Establishment Internal Control System
May 2008 - Aug 2008 (4 months)
[Insurance Company under NCA regulation]
realization of global IT governance
• Project management Euro-Sox Compliance, QM, ICS requirements
• Initiation of QM - test and acceptance procedures for production, processes, technology
• IT and release governance
• ensure compliance
• Introduction of policies
• standards management
Re-sourcing Payment Provider Outsourcing EMEA
Deutsche Bank
Nov 2007 - Mar 2008 (5 months)
[Credit Institute under EBA and NCA regulation]
Interim management outsourcing payment transactions
• outsourcing change
• Crisis Management - Problem Management
• escalation management
• Quality management: testing and acceptance procedures
• Setup retained organization to Control the outsourcing
Multi-Project / Outsourcing Task Force
T-Systems International
Feb 2007 - Oct 2007 (9 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider on behalf of Credit Institutes under EU and NCA regulation]
Outsourcing Task Force
• Advice on outsourcing strategy
• Project management of contract management and financial management processes
• crisis management
• Definition of tests and acceptances
• interim management
• Moderation and de-escalation management
• program management
Software Development Outsourcing (Germany / India)
Telefónica Germany
Jul 2006 - Dec 2006 (6 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider under EU and NCA regulation]
Off-Shore Outsourcing Software Integration (Germany - India )
• Business Analysis
• contract management
• Service management (consulting implementation strategy)
• ITIL/ITSM implementation
• Advice on QS/QM standards
• Project co-lead for business integration
• Introduction IT governance
• SOX compliance
Near Shore IT Outsourcing and Transition to and from eastern Europe
Mar 2006 - Jul 2006 (5 months)
[Energy service provider under NCA regulation]
▹Reorganization of the sourcing structure in Germany, Czechs, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria
▹Contract Management / Vendor Management
▹Contract negotiation and drafting
▹Introduction of international standards (COBIT, SOX, ITIL )
▹Introduction of IT governance
Outsourcing of critical IT Infrastructure Services |
Union Investment
Jun 2004 - Apr 2005 (11 months)
[Investment Firm under ESMA and NCA regulation]
CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATION / TESTIMONIAL approved and published by www.gulp.de on June,1st 2005: "Der Consultant hat im Rahmen Ausschreibungsprojektes wesentliche Unterstützungsleistung erbracht, die zu einem effizienten Projektablauf und einer durchgehenden umfassenden Struktur in der Ausschreibung beigetragen hat. Dazu zählen neben Konzeption und Erstellung der Ausschreibungsunterlagen die Konzeption der Angebotsunterlagen sowie des Auswertungsverfahrens der Bewertung. Ferner wurden im Projekt unter Einbezug der internen Einheiten das gesamte Vertragswerk erstellt, die Prozess Standards (wie ITIL) entsprechend berücksichtigen. Die eingebrachten Erfahrungen haben durch die Mitarbeit einen großen Mehrwert für das Projekt dargestellt."
▹Datacenter, LAN, WAN, application cluster, TSM, SQL cluster, 13 business-critical applications, etc.
▹development of outsourcing processes and vendor management
▹definition of new operating procedures (incident, config, change, and financial management processes)
▹definition of new release procedures (including test and acceptance procedures)
▹negotiation of additional "operational service levels"
▹redesign of IT reporting
▹creation of RfQ blueprint for future outsourcings
▹consulting on off-shore / near-shore decisions
▹consulting on the outsourcing strategy
▹advice on the qualification of potential applicants -qualification based on approx. 800 evaluation
▹examination of the technology concepts of the providers
▹examination of the providers' process and workflow concepts
▹Due Diligence (procedure and content)
▹Governance model based on CobiT recommendations
Introduction of ITIL Process Management
Dec 2003 - Mar 2004 (4 months)
[Police authority - NDA is still in force]
Outsourcing Software Packaging and Distribution - RfQ |
May 2003 - Feb 2004 (10 months)
[ICT/Cloud service provider under EU and NCA regulation]
CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATION / TESTIMONIAL approved and published by www.gulp.de on Mar., 09th 2004 :
" Der Consultant wurde mit der Erstellung und Auswertung der Ausschreibung zur Evaluierung eines externen Dienstleisters für die Softwarepaketierung unter Radia/Novadigm beauftragt. Folgende Projektziele sollten erreicht werden:
- Vorbereitung und Erstellung eines RFQ Dokuments unter Berücksichtigung technischer, organisatorischer und kaufmännischer Vorgaben mit dem Ziel, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Anbieter auf dem Gebiet des Softwaremanagements bzw. der Paketierung speziell unter Radia transparent und vergleichbar zu machen
- Erstellung einer Auswertungsmatrix
- Auswertung der eingegangenen Bewerbungen, Erstellung einer 'Short List' empfehlenswerter Kandidaten
- Unterstützung bei der Erstellung eines Basis SLA-Konzeptes mit Vorschlägen zur Definition eines praktikablen Workflows
Der Consultant hat innerhalb eines sehr kurzen Zeitraums ein äußerst umfassendes, jedoch für die Bewerber logisch nachvollziehbares RFQ-Dokument erstellt, dass nicht nur allen unseren Vorgaben entsprach, sondern auch andere Informationen zu wichtigen Bereichen wie Quality-Management und
Wirtschaftlichkeit der Bewerber in Betracht gezogen hat. Dabei hat er selbständig, sehr gewissenhaft, äußerst schnell und mit einer sehr großen Professionalität gearbeitet. (...)
Seine Expertise und seine Erfahrungen auf diesem Gebiet sind besonders hervorzuheben.
Erwähnenswert sind außerdem seine selbständige, effektive & zuverlässige Arbeitsweise besonders unter Termindruck, seine alternativen Denkanstösse, seine Integrationsfähigkeit und seine fachliche Kompetenz, die auf einem sehr grossen & breiten Erfahrungsschatz beruht. Wir bedanken uns für die geleistete Arbeit und würden auch in Zukunft bei ähnlichen Projekten sehr gerne wieder mit diesem Consultant zusammen arbeiten. "
Negotiation of modernized Service Level Agreements for existing and new IT-Outsourcings
Union Investment
Jan 2003 - Mar 2003 (3 months)
[Investment Firm under NCA regulation]
Service Level Management / IT Contract Management / Multi-Provider Outsourcing
• Standardization of SLAs in a 100% outsourced environment with 15 different service providers / simple
vendor management
• Carrying out vulnerability analyzes and risk assessments
• Development of new SLAs and service certificates with service providers and specialist departments
including billing structures
• Conducting negotiations with service providers
• Coordination with the internal legal department
• Cost and activity allocation and controlling methods
• Technical topics ( DP basis): server clusters, various directory services (NDS, AD, etc.), EAI ( Vitria, etc. ), databases (Oracle, db2, etc.), middleware (MQ series), various OSs (W2K/XP, Solaris, OpenVMS), WAN/LAN structures ( Cisco, etc. ), firewalling, storage (NAS, HSM)
Introduction of Service Level Management |
Feb 2002 - Oct 2002 (9 months)
[Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
• Training of employees
• Standardization of SLA
• Standardization of reports
• Monitoring compliance
• Strategy consulting of division and unit management with regard to Security
• Preparation of contract texts on the subject of performance management
• Restructuring of old service level agreements in an outsourcing context
• Adaptation of existing SLA´s / OLA´s to new developments
• internal costs allocation (KPI/key figures/raw data deliveries)
• Application of ITIL standards
• IT business re-organization
CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATION / TESTIMONIAL approved and published by www.gulp.de on
October, 7th, 2002 :
"Der Consultant hat uns in der Zeit von Februar 2002 bis Oktober 2002 bei der Einführung von SLAs zwischen Firmenkundengeschäft (ca. 3500 Mitarbeiter) und unseren IT-Dienstleistern hervorragend und in jeder Hinsicht zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit unterstützt. Zu seinen Aufgaben gehörten:
- Abstimmung und Entwurf von Service Level Agreements mit allen Lieferanten von IT-Dienstleistungen zu den Themen Helpdesk, Netzwerk, Applikationen, Backup, Filesystem, Mail
- Entwurf und Aushandeln der Vertragstexte und Leistungsbeschreibungen (Meßpunkte, Leistungskriterien, Eskalationsprozesse, Monitoring, Automation, Pönalen, etc)
- Einarbeitung / Ausbildung der Mitarbeiter und Übergabe der Tätigkeiten an selbige (KnowHow- Transfer)
- Coaching der Mitarbeiter
- Entwurf und Planung von Reporting-Mechanismen
Mit den Leistungen des Consultants sind wir außerordentlich zufrieden, so, dass wir ihm seine Bitte um die Ausstellung dieser Referenz ausgeprochen gern erfüllt haben. Die bisherige erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit planen wir - soweit möglich - weiter fortzusetzen."
IP Network Management
May 2000 - Nov 2001 (1 year 7 months)
[ICT service provider on behalf of Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
ASP/Cloud project "starship" (report in c ´t March 2001)
• Sizing for 5,000 to the max. 30,000 users
• Standardization of the company organization
• Establishment of QM standards (bank security, revision, ISO, ITIL, BDSG, etc.)
• Project responsibility for Total QM (requirement catalogs, test and acceptance specifications)
• Software development standards CMMI Level 2/3
• Coaching/teaching of approx. 60 employees with regard to work organization, methodology,
• Strategy advice for the project and department management
• Preparation for the spin-off of the project as an independent subsidiary of the bank, including the preparation of almost all SLA´s texts on the subject of performance management for cross-checks by the legal department
• Management and implementation of tenders on the subject of purchasing external services and their integration into the cost allocation
• Re-setup of service level management
• Development and documentation of service-level agreements
• Development and documentation of support and problem management processes
• Globalization of the "problem management" processes
ASP Project "starship" - on behalf of Dresdner Bank AG |
Nov 2000 - May 2001 (7 months)
[Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
- approved and published by GULP on April, 25th, 2001 at www.gulp.de : " Der Consultant hat uns in der Zeit von November 2000 bis heute (April/Mai 2001) bei der Einführung von ITIL und der Etablierung von SLA-gesteuertem Leistungsmonitoring unterstützt, sowie die Projektleitung in Hinsicht auf IT-Management-Strategie beraten.
Wir betreiben das ASP-Großprojekt starship, das auch in der Presse bereits mehrfach erwähnt wurde.
(z.B. Bericht in c´t März 2001)
Zu den Aufgaben des Consultant gehören:
- Einführung eines projektweiten QoS/QM-Standards nach ITIL
- Einführung Service Level Management für das gesamte Großprojekt
- Einführung Service Level Agreements mit allen externen Lieferanten und Kunden
- Einführung Operating Level Agreements mit internen Lieferanten und Kunden
- Verhandeln der Vertragstexte und Leistungsbeschreibungen (Meßpunkte, Leistungskriterien,
Eskalationsprozesse, Monitoring, Automation etc)
- Einführung von ITIL-orientierten Problem-Management-Prozessen
- Einführung von ITIL-orientierten Change-Management Prozessen
- Einführung eines ITIL-orientierten Help-Desk
- Coaching der Mitarbeiter
- Beratung der Geschäftsleitung
- Konzeption diverser technischer Zusammenhänge
Wir sind mit den Leistungen des Consultant sehr zufrieden und planen die bisher erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit auch weiter fortzuführen, wenn möglich. Der Consultant hat uns im Zusammenhang mit den Gesprächen zur Vertragsverlängerung um die Ausstellung dieser Referenz gebeten. Diesen Wunsch haben wir ihm gern erfüllt. "
Project Manager Windows NT Roll-Out |
ALH Gruppe
Mar 2000 - Apr 2000 (2 months)
[Insurance Company under NCA regulation]
Project management Windows 2000 roll-out EU/Eastern EU (W2K)
(see below: reference by employees of an insurance company with approx. 2000 employees from 16.05.00)
• Project management / consulting
• Full responsibility for the budget, deadlines, logistics, technology, etc.
• Concept roll-out/software distribution
• proof of concept
• testing and integration
• Conversion from NT domains or NDS to Active Directory
- approved and published by GULP on May, 16th. 2000 at www.gulp.de : "Wir haben dem Consultant die Konzeption, Planung und Überwachung der Durchführung unseres
Migrations/Roll-Out Projektes mit ca. 500 Clients als verantworlicher Projektleiter anvertraut. Er führte
erfolgreich eine automatisierte Softwareverteilung ein und strukturierte die Organisation der Server um. Der Consultant hat souverän alle Hürden des unter großem Zeitdruck durchgeführten Projektes zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit gemeistert und unsere Erwartungen in vielen Punkten übertroffen."
Re-Organization / partial Outsourcing of the Global IP Network Management - Investment Banking
Commerzbank AG
Nov 1998 - Jul 1999 (9 months)
[Credit Institute under NCA regulation]
- approved and published by GULP on Feb., 29th. 2000 at www.gulp.de: ❝ Der Consultant hat bei uns im o.g. Projekt für das gesamte Investment-Banking ein neues TCP/ IP-Konzept in einem der weltweit größten, auf Cisco-Technologie aufgebauten Corporate Networks inklusive der Vergabeverfahren, Geschäftsprozesse und der technischen Realisation entwickelt. Zu seinen Aufgaben gehörten:
- Erstellung des Konzeptes
- Design und Einführung der Geschäftsprozesse
- Abstimmung/Umsetzung innerhalb unserer QM-Vorgaben
- Prüfung und Integration bestehender Konzepte
- Koordination u. Durchführung
- Einbeziehung aller konkurrierenden Abteilungen
Erst der Consultant hat diese schwierige Aufgabe in jeder Hinsicht zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit lösen können. Wir danken ihm aufrichtig für die bisherige gute Zusammenarbeit und hoffen zuversichtlich auf weitere Fortsetzung des Auftragsverhältnisses. ❞
IT Services Delivery / Software Distribution
Lufthansa Systems
Nov 1998 - Jul 1999 (9 months)
[ICT service provider on behalf of Credit Institutes under NCA regulation]
• Conception and Supervision of implementation of a worldwide roll-out
• Introduction of Novell Z.E.N.Works in NT 4.0 / Netware 4.11 environment
• Roll-out of distributed SAP R/3 clients, etc.
• Development of new business processes with ARIS 4
Y2K Poblem Analysis - IP Networks
ADIG investment - since 2007 Cominvest
Sep 1998 - Nov 1998 (3 months)
[Investment Firm under NCA regulation]
• Conception of the testing scenarios
• Supersivion of the individual tests performed by providers
• Risk management
• Components from HP, IBM, CISCO, etc.
• Consideration of the peculiarities in the banking/stock exchange/securities trading area (Reuters, Bloomberg, etc.)
Windows NT Roll-Out
May 1998 - Sep 1998 (5 months)
[Insurance Company under NCA regulation]
ext. Consultant:
project manager Windows NT roll-out (2500 systems )
• Creation of the concept for software distribution
• Planning, project planning and NT engineering ( unattended installation)
• Use of Java applets to replace terminal emulations
IT Services Support - Migration, and roll-out of around 1,500 NT workstations
Lufthansa Cargo
Sep 1997 - May 1998 (9 months)
ext. Consultant
► Provision of a method for software distribution via Novell WSM
► Implementation of software and system updates on 1500 workstations
► Novell Netware, Windows NT 3.51
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