Companies under category Pressing (10)

Craemer GmbH
33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz Germany
Heute genießt unsere Gruppe als Spezialist für Metallumformung, Kunststoffverarbeitung und Werkzeugbau weltweite Anerkennung. Unser Name, unsere Marken und Produkte stehen für höchste Qualität.

3700-727 Cesar Portugal

We are Malaysia's trade promotion agency under the Ministry of International Trade Industry in Malaysia. MATRADE’s mission to promote Malaysia’s export has enabled many local companies to carve new frontiers in global markets. MATRADE is also actively involved in assisting foreign companies to source for suppliers of Malaysian products and services, and is represented worldwide at more than 46 locations in major commercial cities.

MGW Office Supplies GmbH
80935 München Germany
Die MGW ist ein Zusammenschluss inhabergeführter Handelsunternehmen der Bürowirtschaft und zählt mit mehr als 600 Mitarbeitern zu den marktführenden Gruppierungen der Branche.

Office Mix GmbH
68199 Mannheim Germany
As the owner of managed and successful office logistics service providers, we are a high-performance partner for trade, commerce, industry, all areas of health care, as well as administrations and universities.

prinux GmbH
1210 Vienna Austria
Full service for business stationery: online ordering platform, printing and logistics from a single source. Company business cards, letter forms, envelopes, stamps, stickers and much more.

73430 Aalen Germany
SDZeCOM ist führender Dienstleister im deutschsprachigen Raum für erfolgreiche Produktkommunikation und effizientes Datenmanagement

TechnoNova s.r.o.
97271 Nováky Slovakia
Our company is providing production of Pressure Devices, Vacuum Devices, Heat Exchangers, Tanks and Constructions and Devices.

Technoplast Group kft
H-3561 Felsőzsolca Hungary
Our company is at your disposal with almost forty years of professional experience in the field of plastic processing and metalworking. More than seventy of us work on providing complex services in plastic processing, tool-making and metalworking. Planning, engineering services, manufacturing by rapid prototyping, the production of tools, appliances, assembly jigs, non-series, small and large series plastic and metal parts and subassemblies and complex machines are among the activities of TECHNOPLAST GROUP Kft. as well as R&D activity.

3720-581 Úl Oliveira de Azeméis Portugal
TETRAMOLD offers a complete service, from the design/collaboration on the development of the product, technical analyses, 3D mold project and mold production