Companies under category Plastics (23)

Aurimoldes -Indústria de Moldes, Lda
3830-527 Ílhavo Portugal
Aurimoldes is a mould company for die casting and plastic injection, headquartered in Ílhavo – Portugal and certified by TUV Rheinland Portugal (ISO 9001: 2015)

C.E.L. S.p.A.
37045 S. Pietro di Legnago Italy
C.E.L. SpA Injection Molding Technopolymer. With 40 years expertise we offer the entire product development cycle. Design, injection, finishing and assembly of plastic components.

Conrad Electronic GmbH
92240 Hirschau Germany
The Conrad Marketplace: even more professional service, an even wider range of products, fast and easy access to all relevant partners and products for your business.

Craemer GmbH
33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz Germany
Heute genießt unsere Gruppe als Spezialist für Metallumformung, Kunststoffverarbeitung und Werkzeugbau weltweite Anerkennung. Unser Name, unsere Marken und Produkte stehen für höchste Qualität.

Ferpol Kft.
H-3518 Cím Hungary
FERPOL founded in 2004 as a family company. Main profile is manufacturing plastic PVC connecting elements for concrete manholes in our production plant at Miskolc. Through long term market experience, expertise, as well as reliability FERPOL has developed itself into a wellknown plastic product supplier for Multinationel Partners. Our activities: production of PVC plastic channel profiles, PVC injection molding, production of floor leveling systems milling, turning, surface grinder, heat treatment, custom manufacture, series production, purchase of raw materials, storage, chopping.

3700-727 Cesar Portugal

33076 Pravisdomini (PN) Italy
DESIGN, MOULD CONSTRUCTION AND MOULDING OF PLASTIC MATERIALS GIELLE PLAST is a company that has been operating on the national market since 1990 in the technical field of thermoplastic materials injection moulding. Its structure makes it possible for it to satisfy its customers’ production requirements without any problems, thanks to a wide range of technologically advanced presses that weigh from 50 to 600 tons.

IBS Industrie Handel GmbH
45527 Hattingen Germany
We procure industrial goods from Turkey for our customers. After clarification of the technology, customer-specific parts are produced by suitable companies in Turkey.

KORANIS Purchasing Solutions
90445 Nürnberg Germany
More than 10 experts with specialist and management experience from industry identify and implement potential. In purchasing, washed with all waters, with a high technological affinity and proven in practice. At eye level with the customer, in a spirit of partnership, with a hands-on approach and results-oriented.

Laurel Klammern GmbH
73773 Aichwald
Laurel, gegründet 1952, entwickelte 1953 die erste Büroklammer der Welt aus Vollkunststoff und erhielt dafür sein erstes internationales Patent.