Company „Gradjevinar“ was founded in 1989. in Belgrade, as one of the first privately owned companies in the construction sector. Since the beginning, company has been developing in areas of design, construction, reconstruction and adaptation of industrial, commercial and residential objects.
Trnska 25
11 000 Beograd, Serbia
Show phone number
011 344 16 15
- Show Email
- www.gradjevinar.rs

27.226.000,00 EUR (2018)Year of founding
EN ISO 9001:2015
EN ISO 14001:2015
BS OHSAS 18001:2007
Up until now, company has successfully realized oved 300 projects on territory of Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today company is focused towards doing business on local, Serbian, market, acting as a General contractor, mostly using „turnkey“ system.
All knowledge and experiences, acquired in work on important projects over the years, are very important capital, and are successfully transferred to younger staff, who represented the backbone of „Gradjevinar“ development since the beginning. Team of highly experienced engineers in cooperation with young, highly qualified and perspective team, and with experienced and completely equipped construction workforce, is able to respond to all investors requests on site, with respect of the highest domestic, European and international standards in the construction industry. Also, company is constantly investing in education of its employees.
Thanks to that, „Gradjevinar“ has become recognizable brand, and the reputation earned is based on rich reference lists of performed works, its reliability, proven quality during the execution of works, as well as in selection of materials, and above all, strict respect of agreed deadlines and commitments. We consider our clients as our partners, which is proven by our successful cooperation with many of them over many years. Same principle is applied towards our subcontractors and suppliers.
Years of successful business were followed by establishing of the Quality Management System (QMS), Environmental Management System (EMS) and Occupational Health & Safety management system (OH&S), and obtaining certificates for standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
Company GP “Gradjevinar” ltd offers to its clients primarily complete construction of the buildings by international standards and qualities. Beside construction, company also performs reconstructions and adaptations of the buildings, performing all types of civil engineering works. During years different industrial, residential and commercial buildings have been built, while lately the focus has been on realisation of the industrial buildings. Projects are mostly being performed using “turn-key” system, offering to the clients realisation of the entire project, from designing and obtaining construction permit, over construction of the building and outfitting of the mechanical and electrical electrical installations, all the way to obtaining the usage permit.
Experience acquired over 30 years in the construction industry, as well as experienced and motivated team, allow fulfilment of all requests that clients may have, often suggesting different options in order do get the best solution. A large number of “Gradjevinar’s” clients represent international companies which often have very time restricted deadlines for construction of the building, which are, in addition to quality, always achieved. Moto of the company is: „Satisfied partners are the key to our success“.
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