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Plastics Cluster

The Plastics cluster (Plastr) was established in February 2006 as an Interest Association of Legal Entities with the aim to create a communication platform for its members



Plastics Cluster

760 01 Zlin, Czech Republic

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The main reason for cluster establishment was especially strong position of the plastics industry in the Zlín Region (together with rubber
industry it represents the most productive sector of the region). Another reason is a shortage of qualified working labour force, missing research and development background for plastic product manufacturers, need of an appropriate negotiation position for services and products and  effective enforcement of the sector interests.


With significant cost savings for member companies we successfully buy electricity and gas. Common purchase of raw materials, indirect material and selected services has been in a preparatory phase. Plastr activities focus on 4 priority sectors: education and human resources, development and innovation, cooperation, common purchase and sale of services and promotion of Plastr. Very important is also the interaction with the important institutions of the region – Tomas Bata University in Zlín (applied research, specialised bachelor study programme, cluster performance measurement, benchmarking), the Zlín Region (lobbying for plastics processing branch, regional innovation strategy, technical education in the region), Association for the Development of the Zlin Region (regional strategy), Technological Innovation Centre (competitions – Innovative Company of the Year, The Best Student Business Plan). In cooperation with secondary school members we participate in modification of the study plans of vocational subjects and we promote a program of plastics processing to the target groups (children – parents – school counsellors).

Industry Focus

Plastics; 3D Digitizing of Components; Climatic Testing; Colour Measurement; Computed Tomography - Non-Invasive 3D Imaging Technique; Flammability Determination; Machining Center for Prototype Moulds/Tools Preparation; Melt Flow Index Measurement; Off-Line Thickness Measurement; Processing of the 3D Measurements Results; Processing Unit for Plastic Waste Disintegration; Rapid Prototyping – Parts, Prototypes and 3D Models Creation; Retroreflective Materials Testing; Rheological Properties Measurement; Tension and Compression Measurement; Testing of the Physical Foaming of Polymers; Thermographic Analysis of Polymer Fabrication Processes