Companies under category Transport and Logistics (17)

020694 Bucharest Romanian
ARILOG - The Romanian Logistics Association is a voluntary, professional and educational nonprofit organization.

1000 Sofia Bulgaria
BIA - The Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of the Bulgarian Business is a non-governmental organization founded on 25 April 1980.

BTK Befrachtungs- und Transportkontor GmbH
83026 Rosenheim Germany
Als Transportdienstleister entwickeln wir im Dialog mit unseren Kunden dynamische Logistiklösungen. Die Begriffe Dialog, Dynamik und Qualität kennzeichnen die Kultur unseres Unternehmens.

CargoLine GmbH
63128 Dietzenbach Germany
CargoLine GmbH, headquartered in Dietzenbach, Germany, is a cooperation for standardized and systematized general cargo transports in Germany and Europe.

Chemion Logistik GmbH
51368 Leverkusen Deutschland
Our aim is to offer our customers the highest quality and maximum process reliability at all times, from planning and logistics services to the qualified disposal of hazardous substances.

186 00 Praha 8 Czech Republic
Czech Logistics Association o.s. (hereinafter referred to as CLA) was founded in 1993 as a non-profit, community interest organization focused on the issues of logistics and its application in business/economic practice.

Duisburger Hafen AG
47119 Duisburg Germany
Die Duisburger Hafen AG ist die Eigentums- und Managementgesellschaft des Duisburger Hafens, des größten Binnenhafens der Welt.

Gebrüder Weiss GmbH
6923 Lauterach Austria
Gebrüder Weiss, Ihr Logistikanbieter. Nutzen Sie unser globales Netzwerk für individuelle Transportabwicklungen, Logistiklösungen und Servicedienstleistungen auf höchstem Niveau.

47226 Duisburg (Rheinhausen) Germany

Infraserv Logistics GmbH
65926 Frankfurt Germany
Infraserv Logistics, a wholly owned subsidiary of Infraserv Höchst, is a full-service provider of logistics services at 9 locations throughout Germany.