Companies under category Transportation (17)
Panalpina Welttransport (Deutschland) GmbH
64546 Mörfelden Germany
Panalpina ist einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von Transport- und Logistikdienstleistungen und konzentriert sich dabei schwerpunktmässig auf interkontinentale Luftfracht- und Seefracht.
Rhenus AG & Co. KG
59439 Holzwickede Germany
Die Rhenus-Gruppe zählt mit einem Umsatz von 3,1 Mrd. EUR zu den führenden europäischen Logistikdienstleistern.
Rudolph Logistik Gruppe SE & Co. KG
34281 Gudensberg Germany
The Rudolph Logistics Group is an international logistics service provider with approximatley 5.200 employees working at 45 locations in Germany, Europe, the United States and the Arabian Peninsula. The headquarters of our company group is in Baunatal in the heart of Germany. We develop and implement comprehensive logistics solutions for various industries and are concentrated on the business fields of Automotive, Transportation, Manufacturing and Trade Logistics.
Saloodo! GmbH
53111 Bonn Germany
Saloodo! hilft Versendern, mit ein paar Klicks das passende Transportunternehmen zu finden und erleichtert Transportunternehmen das Auffinden von passenden Stückguttransporten, Teilladungen und Komplettladungen, um ihre LKW Kapazität optimal auszulasten.
Seifert Logistics Group
89081 Ulm Germany
The Seifert Logistics Group is active throughout Europe and, according to the Fraunhofer Institute, is one of the top 100 logistics service providers. At more than 45 locations, we provide services in the areas of warehousing, contract logistics and various value-added services, including assembly.
TNT Express GmbH
53842 Troisdorf Germany
TNT Express offers worldwide courier and express services of the highest quality and reliability.
Trans-Sped Kft
H-4030 Debrecen Hungary
Trans-Sped is a purely Hungarian-owned company that has been present on the logistics market since 1990. We started as an international forwarding company, but in the last almost 30 years we have developed into a group of companies with almost 800 employees with our subsidiaries, national office network and divisions serving various branches of logistics.