Companies under category Logistics (65)

Alfa Elettronica srl
33084 Cordenons Italy
We have been producing electronic equipment for industrial automation since 1985. From the beginning we adopted a path of constant development, supported by a solid, coherent system vision.

allgaier GmbH
89231 Neu-Ulm Germany

Aral Aktiengesellschft, Aral Card Service
44789 Bochum Germany
Aral Card Service within Aral AG combined with Aral CardPlus all the advantages of the fuel card with a convenient online offer.

ARI Fleet Germany GmbH / ARI Fleet Leasing Germany GmbH
70565 Stuttgart Germany
ARI Fleet Germany was founded in 2013 with the ambition to become the market and quality leader in quality fleet management. With over 150 highly qualified employees in Stuttgart, Eschborn and Koblenz, we cover the entire fleet value chain as an external service provider. Our customers benefit greatly from the know-how of our experienced specialists and from customized fleet management services – all from a single source.

020694 Bucharest Romanian
ARILOG - The Romanian Logistics Association is a voluntary, professional and educational nonprofit organization.

Arvato SE
33333 Gütersloh Germany
Arvato is a global contract logistics provider (B2B & B2C), specialized in warehousing & distrubtion for Consumer Products, Healthcare and TECH products.

B810 s.r.l.
42122 Reggio Emilia Italy
B810 S.r.l. is a medium-sized company in the consumer goods industry, originally established as a production and service partner for large European companies in the automotive and UPS industries.

1000 Sofia Bulgaria
BIA - The Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of the Bulgarian Business is a non-governmental organization founded on 25 April 1980.

BISS d.o.o.
Zagreb - Croatia Croatai
We provide software development, system integration, solution design and consulting services in the area of Telco/Service providers systems, Enterprise applications as well as State and Government domain.

BrainNet Supply Management Consultants GmbH
53113 Bonn Germany
BrainNet has been a thought leader in supply chain management for more than 15 years. As a subsidiary of KPMG AG, BrainNet is part of the worldwide KPMG network.