Companies under category SAP Solutions (18)
Ludwig Meister GmbH & Co.KG
85221 Otto-Hahn-Str. 11 Germany
Ludwig Meister Eines der führenden Handelsunternehmen und Dienstleistungsunternehmen in Europa für Antriebstechnik und Spezialist für Werkzeug- und Fluidtechnik
networker, solutions GmbH
22459 Hamburg Germany
networker, solutions bietet SAP-Produkte und Lösungen zu Themen rund um das Vertragsmanagement und Lizenzmanagement.
prego services GmbH
66123 Saarbrücken Germany
Our team of experienced experts works side by side with our customers to jointly translate goals into specific requirements. You can benefit from our years of experience and from automated processes. You decide where and how you want to benefit from prego services: We get involved in your procurement processes and support you in project business all the way to full service with a complete package for your purchasing solution. Our profound industry expertise makes us a reliable and competent sparring partner for our customers.
SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG
69190 Walldorf Germany
Als drittgrößter unabhängiger Softwarelieferant der Welt entwickeln wir maßgeschneiderte Unternehmenslösungen für unsere Kunden rund um den Globus.
Schnittstelle BAU Susanne Tiedemann
12589 Berlin Germany
Als Fachleute für elektronische Ausschreibungsprozesse hat sich Schnittstelle BAU in Industrie, Baugewerbe und IT-Forschungsprojekten am Markt etabliert. Wir beraten Sie bei der Wahl und Integration der richtigen Software für Ihr Unternehmen und schulen Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter in den neuen Prozessen.
Simeno Systems AG
4002 Basel Switzerland
SIMENO produces and sells electronic shopping solutions that add maximum value to your everyday shopping experience in terms of user-friendliness, speed and quality. Not only do we deliver e-procurement software, we also offer a comprehensive range of services. This ranges from purchasing consulting to project management for system implementations to catalogue management and of course also includes our customer support. Talk to us. We are known for (almost) always finding a suitable solution for your procurement requirements.
tangro software components gmbh,
69115 Heidelberg Germany
Process your incoming receipts automatically with software from tangro. Directly embedded in SAP and S/4HANA. For all input channels. With electronic processing of internal testing and approval processes. For invoices, order confirmations, delivery notes, orders and much more.
xSuite Group GmbH
22926 Ahrensburg Germany
xSuite Group is among the leading software manufacturers of intelligent applications automating document-based business processes.