Companies under category BMEnet Seal of Quality (12)

BMEnet GmbH
65760 Eschborn Germany
BMEnet is a practice-oriented service provider that helps buyers and BME members with their operational challenges. The most important services include benchmarks, international assistance in opening up foreign markets and other sourcing services such as seals of quality, guides or entries in BME directories.

complon GmbH
80686 München Germany
complon is your solution partner for contract management and smart documentation in sales and procurement. Our digital business solutions are based on the market leaders OpenText, SAP, Salesforce and Microsoft and are modular and ready to use.

Expertist Vertriebs GmbH

Fabasoft Deutschland GmbH
D-60549 Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland Germany
Fabasoft's innovative product and service portfolio contributes to simplification, acceleration and quality improvement in document and process management in all business areas. Data protection and data security always have the highest priority. That is why we are one of Europe's leading software manufacturers and cloud service providers and have enjoyed the trust of numerous multinational companies and public sector organizations since our foundation in 1988.

79111 Freiburg Germany
Haufe is one of the leading providers of digital workplace solutions and continuing education in Germany. Through consistent digitization, Haufe has been able to evolve over the past decades from a former specialist publisher to a specialist for digital and web-based services as well as agile and future-proof organizations.

OpusCapita Software GmbH
44137 Dortmund Germany
OpusCapita digitizes and automates processes around procurement, invoice processing and payment transactions as well as cash management and supplier financing. With our solutions and services, we turn over around 200 million electronic transactions per year for 8000 customers in over 40 countries.

02-776 Warsaw Poland
Procurence Meercat: SaaS software for the procurement, quality management and compliance / HSE departments.

D-29303, Deutschland Bergen Germany
PSA.PAGE® SEARCH ENGINE // Info portal for occupational safety and health // Overview of suppliers from the industry // Product catalogs & keyword search mask

Saloodo! GmbH
53111 Bonn Germany
Saloodo! hilft Versendern, mit ein paar Klicks das passende Transportunternehmen zu finden und erleichtert Transportunternehmen das Auffinden von passenden Stückguttransporten, Teilladungen und Komplettladungen, um ihre LKW Kapazität optimal auszulasten.

52134 Herzogenrath Germany
DISKOVER, the add-on system for reducing stocks, planning effort and logistics costs through simulation-supported forecasting optimization, improvement of delivery readiness, automatic dispatch parameter optimization, autonomous disposition, efficient controlling and reporting.