Companies under category B2B Marktplace (30)
Office Mix GmbH
68199 Mannheim Germany
As the owner of managed and successful office logistics service providers, we are a high-performance partner for trade, commerce, industry, all areas of health care, as well as administrations and universities.
OpusCapita Software GmbH
44137 Dortmund Germany
OpusCapita digitizes and automates processes around procurement, invoice processing and payment transactions as well as cash management and supplier financing. With our solutions and services, we turn over around 200 million electronic transactions per year for 8000 customers in over 40 countries.
prego services GmbH
66123 Saarbrücken Germany
Our team of experienced experts works side by side with our customers to jointly translate goals into specific requirements. You can benefit from our years of experience and from automated processes. You decide where and how you want to benefit from prego services: We get involved in your procurement processes and support you in project business all the way to full service with a complete package for your purchasing solution. Our profound industry expertise makes us a reliable and competent sparring partner for our customers.
prinux GmbH
1210 Vienna Austria
Full service for business stationery: online ordering platform, printing and logistics from a single source. Company business cards, letter forms, envelopes, stamps, stickers and much more.
85622 Feldkirchen / München Germany
Wir versorgen Unternehmen seit mehr als 100 Jahren mit Gummi- und Kunststofferzeugnissen für die Erstausrüstung und Instandhaltung sowie mit Arbeitsschutzausrüstung und Betriebseinrichtung. Damit ermöglichen wir reibungslose Produktionsabläufe - und leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zu Ihrem wirtschaftlichen Erfolg.
Schnittstelle BAU Susanne Tiedemann
12589 Berlin Germany
Als Fachleute für elektronische Ausschreibungsprozesse hat sich Schnittstelle BAU in Industrie, Baugewerbe und IT-Forschungsprojekten am Markt etabliert. Wir beraten Sie bei der Wahl und Integration der richtigen Software für Ihr Unternehmen und schulen Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter in den neuen Prozessen.
SiliconExpert Technologies Inc.
74420 Oberrot Germany
An End-to-End Data Resource for Engineers, Compliance Managers, Supply Chain Engineers, OEMs, and More.
simple system GmbH
81241 München Germany
simple system is one of the leading, neutral procurement platforms for C-parts. The aim of the platform is to enable companies to achieve effective and transparent indirect procurement. Thus, simple system supports companies in bundling their purchasing needs and optimizing their purchasing processes.
Sourcing Management GmbH
28195 Bremen Germany
Im Jahr 2000 gegründet, ist die Sourcing Management GmbH seit fünf Jahren aktiv im E-Procurement.
White Label Advisory GmbH
20457 Hamburg Germany
Taken paths of the "90s consulting" should be left behind and the procurement and billing of consulting should be rethought. White Label Advisory's curated consulting portfolio currently includes more than 125 consultancies with over 4,500 permanent consultants supporting our clients in a wide range of commercial or technical consulting needs from conception to implementation.