Companies under category Start-ups (5)

Premium Profile
Bartenbach Werbemittel GmbH & Co. KG

Bartenbach Werbemittel GmbH & Co. KG

55120 Mainz Germany

Mit unserem ganzheitlichen Fullservice-Paket geben Sie Ihr Werbemittel-Management in professionelle Hände! Profitieren Sie von weltweiter Logistik, erhalten Sie Ihr individuelles Gestaltungskonzept durch unsere 90-köpfige Kreativagentur und sparen Sie Zeit und Geld dank des kundeneigenen Webshops in Ihrem passenden Corporate Design.

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Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer in Estland, Lettland, Litauen e.V.

Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer in Estland, Lettland, Litauen e.V.

D-10178 Berlin Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

The German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (AHK Baltic States) has been the first point of contact for German-Baltic business relations for more than two decades.

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Deutsche Handelskammer für Spanien

Deutsche Handelskammer für Spanien

28016 Madrid Spain

The AHK Spain is your first point of contact when entering the Spanish market. We offer a comprehensive range of services and have professionally experienced and consistently bilingual staff.

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Deutsch-Italienische Handelskammer (AHK Italien)

Deutsch-Italienische Handelskammer (AHK Italien)

20124 Mailand Italy

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the German-Italian Chamber of Commerce promotes economic relations between Germany and Italy and represents German business in Italy. Founded in 1921, AHK Italy brings together large, small and medium-sized enterprises, branches of multinational corporations as well as individual entrepreneurs and freelancers.

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Deutsch-Portugiesische Industrie-und Handelskammer / AHK Portugal

Deutsch-Portugiesische Industrie-und Handelskammer / AHK Portugal

1269-039 Lissabon Portugal

For 65 years, AHK Portugal has been promoting cooperation between German and Portuguese companies and supporting them in establishing and expanding their business relations in both countries.