Companies under category Risk Management (23)
Horváth & Partner GmbH
80339 München Germany
Horváth & Partners is the specialist for corporate management and performance optimization in the purchasing of private and public organizations.
80333 München Germany
Supplier self-assessments & social media monitoring - IntegrityNext is a cloud-based platform that covers all major aspects of CSR and sustainability requirements, allowing companies to monitor thousands of suppliers with minimal administration.
io-consultants GmbH & Co. KG
69115 Heidelberg Germany
io-consultants GmbH & Co. KG is an independent consulting and planning company based in Heidelberg.
KORANIS Purchasing Solutions
90445 Nürnberg Germany
More than 10 experts with specialist and management experience from industry identify and implement potential. In purchasing, washed with all waters, with a high technological affinity and proven in practice. At eye level with the customer, in a spirit of partnership, with a hands-on approach and results-oriented.
LeasePlan Deutschland GmbH
41460 Neuss Germany
LeasePlan bietet eine umfassende Servicepalette für Unternehmen, Freiberufler und Gewerbetreibende bereits ab einem Fahrzeug.
networker, solutions GmbH
22459 Hamburg Germany
networker, solutions bietet SAP-Produkte und Lösungen zu Themen rund um das Vertragsmanagement und Lizenzmanagement.
Öhring und Kollegen Unternehmensberatung GmbH
60486 Frankfurt am Main Germany
The Öhring und Kollegen management consultancy has specialized in the Purchasing and cost management of indirect material. The focus here is on IT commodity groups such as hardware, Software, IT Services and Telecommunications/Networks. Our support in purchasing management includes the following conceptual topics: Purchasing strategy and purchasing organization, Purchasing processes and purchasing tools, Supplier and contract management, Value contribution measurement and enhancement, Material group management Compliance and risk management.
PBroker AG
CH-3000 22 Bern Switzerland
PBroker AG develops, markets and operates software solutions for e-Procurement.
02-776 Warsaw Poland
Procurence Meercat: SaaS software for the procurement, quality management and compliance / HSE departments.
65201 Wiesbaden, Kormoranweg 5 Germany
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