Companies under category Purchasing Optimization (60)
Meplato GmbH
10117 Berlin Germany
Als Spinn-Off der Wallmedien AG ist die Meplato GmbH seit 2005 Anbieter von eProcurement Lösungen und Procurement Services für Einkaufsorganisationen und Lieferanten.
Miebach Consulting GmbH
60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany
From Indianapolis to Shanghai and beyond, we provide supply chain solutions based on integrating consulting and engineering. For over 40 years we have built a proven international record of nearly 10,000 successful supply chain projects and solutions.
Netfira GmbH
69190 Walldorf Germany
Netfira ist eine innovative Lösung zur Rationalisierung der Einkaufsprozesse. Dokumente aller Art können automatisch zwischen den Systemen von Unternehmen und deren Lieferanten ausgetauscht werden.
Öhring und Kollegen Unternehmensberatung GmbH
60486 Frankfurt am Main Germany
The Öhring und Kollegen management consultancy has specialized in the Purchasing and cost management of indirect material. The focus here is on IT commodity groups such as hardware, Software, IT Services and Telecommunications/Networks. Our support in purchasing management includes the following conceptual topics: Purchasing strategy and purchasing organization, Purchasing processes and purchasing tools, Supplier and contract management, Value contribution measurement and enhancement, Material group management Compliance and risk management.
OptiBuy Sp. z o.o.
01-248 Warsaw Poland
OptiBuy is a specialised procurement consulting company offering broad range of outstanding procurement solutions, using an international network of offices, extensive market knowledge and advanced set of IT tools. We are the most experienced global sourcing consultancy in CEE region.
Perzeptron GmbH
65343 Eltville Germany
Perzeptron berät die Elektronikindustrie rund um das Thema Materialwirtschaft. Als Dienstleister erledigen wir zudem Kalkulations- und Einkaufsaufträge für unsere Kunden.
Phoron Consulting GmbH
70173 Stuttgart Austria
Prozess- und Kundenorientierte SAP Beratung und Entwicklung, speziell in den Bereichen ERP (Logistics, Financials, Procurement), PPM, CRM, SAP Basis und Business Intelligence sowie SAP Rollouts. Speziallösungen für den operativen und strategischen Einkauf (Lieferantenportal, Lieferantenbeurteilung/-bewertung, Einkaufscoltrolling, etc.). Deuts
prego services GmbH
66123 Saarbrücken Germany
Our team of experienced experts works side by side with our customers to jointly translate goals into specific requirements. You can benefit from our years of experience and from automated processes. You decide where and how you want to benefit from prego services: We get involved in your procurement processes and support you in project business all the way to full service with a complete package for your purchasing solution. Our profound industry expertise makes us a reliable and competent sparring partner for our customers.
prinux GmbH
1210 Vienna Austria
Full service for business stationery: online ordering platform, printing and logistics from a single source. Company business cards, letter forms, envelopes, stamps, stickers and much more.
02-776 Warsaw Poland
Procurence Meercat: SaaS software for the procurement, quality management and compliance / HSE departments.