Deutsche Handelskammer für Spanien - Products
Online Spanish Courses

Online Spanish Courses The AHK Language Academy is an initiative of the German Chamber of Commerce for Spain (AHK Spain) in cooperation with the Spanish language school IFC. Our experience with the Kaufmann International Spain program was the main inspiration to start this initiative.

Start-upsAHK Spain continuously monitors the development of the Spanish start-up ecosystem. Our start-up initiative piosphere shows you the full potential of the scene. The start-up initiative piosphere was launched by AHK Spain to bring together all its activities in the field of entrepreneurship. The goal is to promote the Spanish-German entrepreneurial ecosystem and bring together investors and startups from both countries. As experts of the Spanish start-up scene we offer Information & reports about the Spanish start-up scene Scouting & matching of start-ups Good networking with the university and research landscape Portfolio of start-ups with innovative business models
Law & Taxes

Law & TaxesQuestions about hiring employees, setting up a company or declaration obligations? AHK Spain provides members and clients with general legal and tax advice and supports companies in fulfilling their formal declaration obligations in Spain. Our services in the field of law
Trade fair service

Trade fair serviceThe numerous trade fairs in Spain offer a good first platform for establishing contacts for your market entry. Find here our offer to accompany your trade fair activity and the relevant contact information. Spanish trade fairsIf you regularly exhibit at trade fairs, then you know that good preparation is the be-all and end-all for successful trade fair participation. To help you prepare your participation in Spain in the best possible way, we offer you our trade fair advance marketing service. We take over for you: Identification of potential customers Address research Mailing of documents and dispatch of trade fair invitations Planning and arranging appointments Preparation of company profiles of your interlocutors Follow-up of the meetings Credit information
Personnel service

Personnel serviceOur personnel service offers companies and job seekers the best opportunity to get in touch with each other. AHK Spain is your competent contact for all recruitment issues. We have an excellent network and contacts to companies as well as to highly qualified German and Spanish speaking professionals and executives.
Training and further education

Training and further educationWith its dual training projects, AHK Spain supports companies in the tailored qualification of employees to ensure a skilled workforce. Our tasks in introducing dual vocational training in Spain include advising companies, quality assurance, networking between companies and schools, training trainers and certification. AHK Spain offers dual vocational training programs in the commercial and industrial-technical fields. Our training programsSince 1980, the German vocational school abroad FEDA, which is recognized by the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, has been offering various commercial vocational training programs in Barcelona and Madrid in cooperation with AHK Spain. Since 2012, AHK Spain has also been increasingly involved in dual vocational training projects in the industrial-technical sector. You can find more information under the individual professions.