Image Source Mega-trans d.o.o.


ADR loads / transports or loads / transports of dangerous goods

Price: On request


ADR loads / transports or loads / transports of dangerous goods are also the type of loads our company deals with. ADR transports are simply transports of dangerous substances (chemicals, poisons, disinfectants, flammable substances, etc.). ADR transports are subject to special rules and restrictions, which include traffic bans on certain roads, notification to authorised services, driving under a traffic light, appropriate escort through tunnels and protected areas (AT and CH), etc.

If it is an international ADR transport, the type of goods must be taken into account due to the correct reference to the GP (border crossing)! Special care must be taken with bulk / part loads, as according to ADR the goods may not be in the same vehicle with a certain type of goods (food, textiles, etc.).