Thursday, May 23, 2024

Cosmoshop and its shop software for internal procurement


Today we would like to inform you about our shop software for internal procurement.

Why do you need an internal procurement system?

They require unnecessary manual work in many companies and cause incorrect orders due to unauthorized employees or unclear processes. Order processing quickly becomes complicated - and frustrating for everyone involved.

As mountains of data grow and internal systems become more and more complicated, traditional manual solutions have long since reached their limits.


For us at Cosmoshop one thing is certain:

Today, companies need an intranet shop system with flexible, easy-to-use interfaces and release options.

We have developed this system - and implement it for you.

Automate manual processes, reduce personnel effort and relieve the burden on your employees with the comprehensive CosmoShop solution.


Rights & Roles
User portal
Release process
Save cart
Single sign-on login
Upload order list
Budget/cost management
Corporate design
Merchandise management