Monday, August 19, 2024

2019 FIATA World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2019
This year’s FIATA World Congress was held in Cape Town attracting 800 participants, 60 exhibitors and provided an opportunity for delegates to network 15 hours a day on average. Congress session covered topics such as Brexit, digitalization, modern slavery, education, freight security, attracting young talent and many more.
FIATA’s General Assembly chose its new president Mr. Basil Pietersen hailing from South Africa and also chose its new 2022 FIATA Congress host to be Panama. Before concluding the congress, two key milestones were struck with FIATA agreeing to move its headquarters from Zurich to Geneva, to be close to international bodies, and merging the Advisory Body Vocational Training and FIATA Logistics Academy to create an institute named FIATA Logistics institute.
TRAFFIC and FIATA Launch Digital Course for Freight Forwarders
FIATA and TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, launched a new digital course “Prevention of Wildlife Trafficking” during the FIATA World Congress 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa on October 4th.
Recognising that wildlife traffickers exploit the interconnected freight sector, the three-hour digital course provides freight forwarders with essential information to detect, respond to, and report instances of wildlife trafficking. The course is available, free of charge through the FIATA Logistics Academy and was developed in partnership with TRAFFIC with support from USAID through the Wildlife Trafficking Response Assessment and Priority Setting (Wildlife TRAPS) Project.
For more details, please visit