Companies under category Bi-injection Plastic (4)
BRAMP - Metais e Polímeros, Lda.
4715-533 Braga Portugal
BRAMP a company with over 25 years of experience - certified according ISO 9001, IATF 16949 and ISO 14001 - is a worldwide reference company in the field of injection moulding and metal processing dedicated to the development of solutions for the automotive, electronics, industrial, home appliances and telecommunication sectors among others.
3700-727 Cesar Portugal
34480 Istanbul Turkey
TurkeyTurkish Plastics Industrialists´ Association
00-727 Warsaw Poland
PUPC - Polish Union of Plastics Converters consists of companies operating in plastics processing industry. They manufacture plastic semi-finished and finished products for different applications and industries-packaging, automotive, electronic and electrical industry, building and construction, medical and many more.