Companies under category Procurement Services (80)
Craemer GmbH
33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz Germany
Heute genießt unsere Gruppe als Spezialist für Metallumformung, Kunststoffverarbeitung und Werkzeugbau weltweite Anerkennung. Unser Name, unsere Marken und Produkte stehen für höchste Qualität.
Detecon International Gmbh
53227 Bonn Germany
Eines der weltweit führenden Beratungsunternehmen für integrierte Management- und Technologieberatung auf allen Ebenen der Wertschöpfungskette.
Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer in Estland, Lettland, Litauen e.V.
D-10178 Berlin Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
The German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (AHK Baltic States) has been the first point of contact for German-Baltic business relations for more than two decades.
Dipl.-Berging. Heinz Knust GmbH
44628 Herne Germany
The Knust Group presents itself with the product lines Drive Technology and Industrial Supplies.
47807 Krefeld Germany
DSV IMS - Your Supply Chain Management Partner We optimize your inventory management and reduce your total cost of ownership in the supply chain
23820 Pronstorf Germany
The enPORTAL connect energy platform is a product of enPORTAL GmbH. enPORTAL connect is one of the leading energy platforms in Germany with over 700 participating energy suppliers and an annual energy volume of more than 25 terawatt hours of electricity and gas. Its customers include companies from the industrial, SME and commercial sectors. The combination of an efficient energy platform and personal customer support includes services relating to the energy marketplace, energy purchasing, energy data management, energy price forecasts, purchasing strategies and energy expertise. enPORTAL GmbH is a leading IT service provider for digital solutions in the energy sector. Founded in 2008, the owner-managed company sees itself as a pioneer for digital, standardized and efficient energy processes. More information at
Fairpartners (Betreiberin: Fairpartners AG)
63225 Langen Germany
Unternehmen präsentieren sich weltweit, finden Partner, Ideen, Lösungen oder Produkte. Unternehmen organisieren Ausschreibungen oder Auktionen, teilen Wissen und tauschen Informationen.
Ferdinand Gross GmbH & Co. KG
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Germany
Ein individueller Service, technisches Know-how und eine anwendungsorientierte Beratung machen Ferdinand Gross seit 140 Jahren zum Spezialisten für die Verbindungs- und Befestigungstechnik.
60549 Frankfurt am Main Germany
Cloud-native SMART by GEP is a carefully designed, consumerized digital work environment designed specifically for sourcing and purchasing professionals.
GMVK Procurement GmbH
45138 Essen Germany
The GMVK Procurement Group offers its customers the systematic and knowledge-based optimization of purchasing, maintenance and supply chain using the proprietary ICM® method.