Companies under category Conveying and Storage Technology (12)

B810 s.r.l.
42122 Reggio Emilia Italy
B810 S.r.l. is a medium-sized company in the consumer goods industry, originally established as a production and service partner for large European companies in the automotive and UPS industries.

1000 Sofia Bulgaria
BIA - The Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of the Bulgarian Business is a non-governmental organization founded on 25 April 1980.

Dr. Wüpping Consulting GmbH
44801 Bochum Germany
Dr. Wüpping Consulting berät als internationale Beratung im Bereich Technologie-Management bei wertschöpfungsnahen Projekten in den Bereichen Entwicklung, Produktion/Logistik und Beschaffung.

42499 Hückeswagen Germany
Mit der Erfahrung aus über 30 Jahren und einer Vielzahl von realisierten Materialflusssystemen in allen Branchen erarbeiten wir in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden komplette Logistiksysteme für den innerbetrieblichen Transport von Paletten, Behältern und Sondergestellen von 0,1 - 2.000 kg.

HunMecH Kft.
H-9721 Gencsapáti Hungary
Mainly, we use our experiences in single-purpose machine designing, automated assembling, industrial automation, special machine engineering and 3D modeling. It can be a simple tool or a complete production line.

META Regalbau GmbH & Co. KG
59759 Arnsberg Germany
Der europäische Hersteller für innovative Lagertechniklösungen META-Regalbau entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt Fachboden-, Paletten-, Kragarm- und Verschieberegale.

Millutensil s.r.l.
20124 Milano Italy
Founded in 1955 and after 60 years in the business, today Millutensil is a worldwide leader in the production of die & mould spotting presses / die - splitters and machinery for sheet metal working. Millutensil deals with the most important names across a variety of sectors, striving for excellence and advanced technology through innovative and ground breaking solutions.

5070 Lielvarde Latvia
We are experts in equipment for grain handling. We are working in this field since 1994, and we are the only manufacturer of such equipment in Latvia. By learning from the experience of the best Scandinavian manufacturers, we have been constantly increasing our production capacity and improved our team’s skills.

Rala GmbH + Co KG
67065 Ludwigshafen Germany
For 130 years, Rala has accompanied the development of industrialization in Germany through innovations in the procurement processes of large-scale industry and is regarded as a pioneer in C-parts management, system supply and e-business. The business segments cover the three core competencies of trade, production and services.

68161 Mannheim Germany
Die TIM CONSULT GmbH ist eine mittelständische Unternehmensberatung für Unternehmensführung, Logistik und Public Management mit Büros in Mannheim, München und Moskau.