Companies under category Web EDI (7)

CosmoShop GmbH
82223 Eichenau/München Bayern
B2B eCommerce manufacturer & agency since 1997 - specializing in internal procurement & merchandise as well as OCI stores.

curecomp Software Services GmbH
4020 Linz Austria
curecomp is a leading independent provider of software and focuses on providing innovative solutions for the future in all aspects of procurement processes and supplier management. Companies all over the world rely on curecomp to optimize their procurement processes and digitize their purchasing.

ecosio InterCom GmbH
81739 München Germany
Accelerate your business relationships with electronic data interchange (EDI), e-invoicing and modular supplier portals. With seamless B2B integration, we automate your processes with minimal effort. So you can concentrate fully on your core processes again.

INPOSIA Solutions GmbH
76227 Karlsruhe Germany
INPOSIA is a global leader in business integration and digitization. Our digitization solutions, B2B, EDI, e-invoicing and automation services are available as OnPremise, SaaS / PaaS, Private & Public Cloud or even as customized hybrid systems, helping our customers around the world to be part of the digital future.

M-Exchange AG
61118 Bad Vilbel Germany
Since 2000, M-Exchange has been offering a joint solution for utilities and transport companies for electronic order processing. Further business areas are e-procurement and services in the energy sector.

Newtron GmbH
01067 Dresden Germany
Newtron GmbH is a leading provider of web-based solutions for optimizing procurement processes between purchasing companies and suppliers. More than 1,000 purchasing companies and 120,000 suppliers worldwide rely on our flexible solutions in the field of e-procurement.

retarus GmbH
81549 München München Germany
Retarus ist ein globaler Anbieter von Cloud-Lösungen für die Modernisierung und Absicherung der digitalen Kommunikation von Unternehmen und Behörden.