Companies under category Process Management / Optimization (23)

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infuniq systems GmbH

infuniq systems GmbH

45131 Essen Germany

The Essen/NRW based system house infuniq systems GmbH is manufacturer of the web-based Product Information Management solution infuniq and specializes in process optimization and problem solving around the strategy Product Information Management.

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innovation concept GmbH

innovation concept GmbH

12487 Berlin Germany

innovation concept GmbH, part of the Reqpool Group, is a management consultancy with a focus on digital change management, IT procurement, process and project management as well as IT management.

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50825 Köln Germany

INVERTO is an international management consultancy and one of the leading specialists for strategic purchasing and supply chain management in Europe.

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Kerkhoff Consulting GmbH

Kerkhoff Consulting GmbH

40217 Düsseldorf Germany

For 25 years, we have been fulling the needs of our midsized customers with individual solutions that we implement together. As the experts in purchasing, we sustainably increase our customers' earnings contribution by optimizing processes and costs along the value chain. Kerkhoff supports preparation of employees and processes of the customers for the requirements of tomorrow, while taking them along the way.

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LeasePlan Deutschland GmbH

LeasePlan Deutschland GmbH

41460 Neuss Germany

LeasePlan bietet eine umfassende Servicepalette für Unternehmen, Freiberufler und Gewerbetreibende bereits ab einem Fahrzeug.

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Lingemann GmbH

Lingemann GmbH

50321 Brühl Germany

Wir sind Spezialist für die Vollversorgung von Industriekunden mit Verbrauchsgütern und bieten maßgeschneiderte Komplettkonzepte.

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MARBEHO Solutions GmbH

MARBEHO Solutions GmbH

76229 Karlsruhe Germany

MARBEHO focuses on the optimization of business processes along the supply chain. As a partner to industry and the public sector, we support our customers in all strategic and operational issues relating to the supply chain and beyond.

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Newtron GmbH

Newtron GmbH

01067 Dresden Germany

Newtron GmbH is a leading provider of web-based solutions for optimizing procurement processes between purchasing companies and suppliers. More than 1,000 purchasing companies and 120,000 suppliers worldwide rely on our flexible solutions in the field of e-procurement.

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Perzeptron GmbH

Perzeptron GmbH

65343 Eltville Germany

Perzeptron berät die Elektronikindustrie rund um das Thema Materialwirtschaft. Als Dienstleister erledigen wir zudem Kalkulations- und Einkaufsaufträge für unsere Kunden.

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Porsche Consulting GmbH

Porsche Consulting GmbH

74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen Germany

Porsche Consulting ist eine weltweit tätige Management-Beratung. Wir sind eine 100%-ige Tochtergesellschaft der Porsche AG.