Companies under category Obsolence Risk Management (5)

Alfa Elettronica srl
33084 Cordenons Italy
We have been producing electronic equipment for industrial automation since 1985. From the beginning we adopted a path of constant development, supported by a solid, coherent system vision.

BlackGriffin LTD
D18CV48 Dublin Republic of Ireland
Certified Regulatory Compliance Advisory Team and Interim Managers for EU financial industries specialized in Outsourcing, Information Technology, Governance, Risk, and Compliance. | D-U-N-S® Number: " 985741700 "

FRA-Services AG
D-70597 Stuttgart Germany
YOUR FINANCIAL RISK ANALYSIS - LET NOTHING STOP YOU. We are committed a long-term partnership between our customers and their suppliers. As a full-service provider in the field of financial assessment of suppliers, we stand for a modern Supply Chain Risk Management. With our expertise, we support numerous well-known companies with their proactive Supply Chain Risk Management. Professionalism, reliability and confidential treatment of the data and information of the evaluated companies are top priorities in our actions.

Matrium GmbH
85716 Unterschleißheim Germany
Die Matrium GmbH ist Ihr qualifizierter Dienstleister für komplexe Aufgaben in den Bereichen Einkauf, Logistik und Zoll.

SiliconExpert Technologies Inc.
74420 Oberrot Germany
An End-to-End Data Resource for Engineers, Compliance Managers, Supply Chain Engineers, OEMs, and More.