Companies under category Loading Device Management (3)

1101 CN Amsterdam-Zuidoost Netherlands
Leading the future of logistics. Our unwavering commitment to delivering better solutions to the industry is the driving force fueling Coyote Logistics’ global expansion. Always improving, always growing. We know what it takes to grow a business from a fundamental idea into a global operation. We’ve stayed agile and focused as we’ve transformed into a leading global third-party logistics provider, managing over 1000 shippers every day.

Miebach Consulting GmbH
60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany
From Indianapolis to Shanghai and beyond, we provide supply chain solutions based on integrating consulting and engineering. For over 40 years we have built a proven international record of nearly 10,000 successful supply chain projects and solutions.

ubigrate GmbH
01069 Dresden Germany
ubigrate bietet mit Geqoo Boxes eine Standardsoftware zum Behältermanagement an. Die Lösung macht Lademittelkreisläufe transparenter und verringert so Schwund, Logistikkosten & Dispositionsprobleme.