Companies under category Literature Procurement (3)

MGW Office Supplies GmbH
80935 München Germany
Die MGW ist ein Zusammenschluss inhabergeführter Handelsunternehmen der Bürowirtschaft und zählt mit mehr als 600 Mitarbeitern zu den marktführenden Gruppierungen der Branche.

Newtron GmbH
01067 Dresden Germany
Newtron GmbH is a leading provider of web-based solutions for optimizing procurement processes between purchasing companies and suppliers. More than 1,000 purchasing companies and 120,000 suppliers worldwide rely on our flexible solutions in the field of e-procurement.

veenion GmbH
67657 Kaiserslautern Germany
veenion GmbH has been developing solutions for the procurement of indirect materials and services for more than 20 years. From demand enquiries to catalogues, free text and RFQ as well as the complete automatic order processing with delivery note, goods receipt and invoice release. Our solutions create networks for the cooperation of consumers, buyers, decision-makers and suppliers in a common communication and collaboration platform from the creation of demand to payment.