Companies under category eProcurement materials (6)

EUROPART Industrieservice GmbH
58285 Hagen-Haspe Germany
EUROPART Industrieservice GmbH is a modern specialist trade and service company.

KORANIS Purchasing Solutions
90445 Nürnberg Germany
More than 10 experts with specialist and management experience from industry identify and implement potential. In purchasing, washed with all waters, with a high technological affinity and proven in practice. At eye level with the customer, in a spirit of partnership, with a hands-on approach and results-oriented.

Ludwig Meister GmbH & Co.KG
85221 Otto-Hahn-Str. 11 Germany
Ludwig Meister Eines der führenden Handelsunternehmen und Dienstleistungsunternehmen in Europa für Antriebstechnik und Spezialist für Werkzeug- und Fluidtechnik

Markus Hipp Präzisionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
78600 Kolbingen Germany
Hipp Präzisionstechnik is a company founded in Germany in 1993. The company specializes in the production, procurement service and consulting of precision parts such as turned parts, milled parts, laser parts as well as special materials.

Netfira GmbH
69190 Walldorf Germany
Netfira ist eine innovative Lösung zur Rationalisierung der Einkaufsprozesse. Dokumente aller Art können automatisch zwischen den Systemen von Unternehmen und deren Lieferanten ausgetauscht werden.

Newtron GmbH
01067 Dresden Germany
Newtron GmbH is a leading provider of web-based solutions for optimizing procurement processes between purchasing companies and suppliers. More than 1,000 purchasing companies and 120,000 suppliers worldwide rely on our flexible solutions in the field of e-procurement.