Companies under category Catering (4)
37154 Northeim Germany is an association of innovative medium-sized office supply retailers from all over Germany with as a central service provider.

Conrad Electronic GmbH
92240 Hirschau Germany
The Conrad Marketplace: even more professional service, an even wider range of products, fast and easy access to all relevant partners and products for your business.

Steigenberger Hotel Group
60528 Frankfurt Germany
Ausgezeichnete Geschäftsreise- und Tagungshotels in großen Städten und Metropolen sowie begehrten Urlaubsregionen mit persönlichem Service und großer gastronomischer Vielfalt und hoher Qualität.

WUCATO Marketplace GmbH
70178 Stuttgart Germany
The WUCATO Marketplace GmbH offers a central procurement platform for the optimization of purchasing processes for the German middle class independent of industry and company size. The platform connects buyers with a large number of suppliers and bundles ordering and billing processes at a central location.