Monday, September 04, 2023

Digital Procurement in SAP

Digital Procurement in SAP

Image Source iStock


Objective: Consistent, standardized P2P processes

For many years now, workloads across purchasing and accounting departments have been steadily increasing. Moreover, with vacancies difficult to fill, teams must often handle rising task volumes with the same number of staff. This state of affairs is further exacerbated by factors such as more stringent compliance requirements, multiple company locations, and the need to have employees work from home. Digitalization and automation can help resolve many of the resulting issues.
We often hear about how important it is to ensure smooth transitions between systems. But these days, ensuring process interconnection alone is not enough. To achieve consistently digitalized work processes, you need to stop using different systems within your purchasing processes. And on that note, why not also digitalize all communications with your suppliers. An idea worth thinking about. Learn all about it and download our brochure!