Icertis GmbH - Catalogs

Icertis GmbH

Contract Lifecycle Management - White Paper Icertis and KPMG


Intelligent contract management breaks down information silos Do you manage your business with the four supposedly most important enterprise solutions: ERP, CRM, SCM and HCM? That is, are you struggling to extract the information that is actually relevant from the data in these four silos? Intelligent contract management helps extract and combine critical information from each area in the context of existing contracts. As an initial basis for decision-making, questions such as - Which business relationship poses the greatest risk to my company- What claims do I have, for example, in the event of the insolvency of a business partner?- Which claims can my company assert under which circumstances (e.g. in a crisis)? can be answered. Together with KPMG, we explain in the white paper how you can use intelligent contract management to break down existing information silos and have all the important information at your fingertips in the event of an emergency so that you can make the best possible decisions.

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Icertis GmbH

Icertis ICI Brochure


Icertis Contract IntelligenceKeep your business out in front, now and into the future.

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