Sunday, June 18, 2023
Supplier search in Western Balkans begins - BMWK/BME Purchasing Initiative supports supply chain diversification

BME e.V.
Registration (free of charge):
More than 45 German purchasing companies from various sectors and industries have already expressed their interest in participating in the Event. German Chambers of Commerce abroad in the Western Balkan countries are now beginning to actively search for suitable suppliers. What is new this year is that buyers can search and evaluate potential suppliers on an online platform. Registration is open and free of charge until the end of July at
Through the Western Balkans Purchasing Initiative, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, BME has been supporting companies in their efforts to find new suppliers for the past nine years. "The countries of the Western Balkans still have great potential," says Olaf Holzgrefe, Head of International at BME. "However, it's no longer just a matter of quantity, we can also see and feel the growing quality of the companies." Until the end of July, AHKs in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro are conducting an active supplier search. "Already 45 German purchasing companies have sent us their concrete sourcing needs and expressed their interest. The fact that these include not only SMEs but also companies such as Siemens AG or Schaeffler shows that further transparency in this procurement market is important" emphasizes Olaf Holzgrefe. Finally, the B2B matchmaking congress in Cologne is scheduled for 12 October 2023, where buyers and suppliers will meet in the cathedral city for personal dialogs. Until then, both sides have time to review one another's profiles and select partners for B2B meetings on the new BME platform
The Western Balkans Purchasing Initiative is BME's largest matchmaking event in a series of now 14 sourcing events in 2023. "Especially in times of supply chain challenges, global uncertainties and transformation processes, we notice the importance of new partners. Market transparency and qualified access to sourcing markets remain relevant," says Olaf Holzgrefe. The core of the initiative continues to be classic commodity groups such as production materials and drawing parts. "If you are looking for stamped and bent parts, whether you need castings, forged parts or welded assemblies as well as plastics or electronics - to name just a few - the participants of the last years have always found what they were looking for. Moreover, if you are in search of suppliers in Eastern Europe as well the 9th CEE Procurement & Supply Forum in Krakow is a great place to be in November."
Key Facts:
Registration (free of charge):
Event: October 11-12, 2023, IHK Cologne
Costs: when participating in physical matchmakings, a small contribution fee is charged depending on the size of the company, in accordance with the federal government's funding guidelines